Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah to me an ideal lineup is diverse and includes CAS options. I really feel that part of the problem at top tier is that many people rush too it, and don’t take the time to actually give themselves a diverse lineup to back up there top tier tank. This leads too a bunch of people spamming there best tank, and then typically leaving or only spawning in there next best tank and not being able to ever play a supportive role for their team

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Cries while looking at my Israel top tier ground lineup.

T-90M is an upgraded T-90 with welded turret and new components. Hopefully the mantlet area gets fixed, turret should be tough as bricks. Basically same hull. Still -4kmh reverse speed lmao.

No way that they’ll add a tank without a mantlet weakspot lmao. Just not happening.

Without one? Okay, sure, it will be weaker there than other places. Stronger? Hopefully.

I think if they don’t make it a easy weak spot they will at best make it strong enough to block rounds weaker than 120mm DM33. I think most 11.0-11.7 tanks will be able to pen its breach.

@Smin1080p Would US also get AV-8B+ this update? If not, is it scheduled for later updates?

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i played multiple battles at top tier VS russia when the first spawns got killed by 1,2,3 KA50s with rockets and then continue to spawn in another MBTs only to get rekt again… nobody would spawn in a SPAA… thats the problem that most dont understand… GRB needs diversity to be fun and balanced, so lineups need to be the same- diversity !

The current T-90 in game has a welded turret. Also gaijin artificially nerfs breaches on all the top tier MBTs on purpose so it’s going to have a breach weakspot.


if nobody is going to spawn spaa than nothing you can do even if any other nation rushes you with helis and nobody cares about spawning spaa they will just lose alot of tanks and most likely lose

I would if Gaijin finally added one after having multiple years to get it done…


Me too, me too, I honestly use the funny Toyota at top tier just for the reason it is funny to go 100 km/h and slinging rockets at helis and A 10 (and for some reason it somehow works for me), but if you want to shoot at something fast or high then its gg you can’t do shit about it

I’d just spawn a Fighter but those take too much Spawn points to be useful when you’re getting spawn killed immediately

Propably gonna end like KF41 you get norhing

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correct me if im wrong but isnt SPO-15 capable of detecting missile guidance commands as well?

yeah… ffs gaijin.
thats what the red light is for behind the plane symbol

It’s not properly implemented anyways but im happy for the new mechanics RWRs have

was about time they went a little past 1960s technology

my worry is that supposedly most rwrs at top tier do have it rn, at least in the stat thing, except for the SPO-15.

Honestly, in-cockpit RWRs that’re accurate would be cool but…this level of RWR in dev is totally fine

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AV-8B and super etendard on dev apparently.
Etendendard at 10.0 with magic 1, flares/chaff and gbus.
Harrier at 12.0