Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

What things?

Only love is… Well, prem Type 16.

Come on man, the long awaited, for years, Type 10 and then the F-16AJ (special treatment)

I’m saying short range, not dogfighting, which from the reading I’ve done are two separate ranges. I guess WVR and dogfight would be more precise.

I’m not saying 9X should be added. I’m responding to the quote/snapshot above.

fair enough, still though, id guess the 9M would only outperform the 73 at the edge of its range since the burn time for the 73 is quite long, meaning itll have that tvc for a fair bit

Type 10 was quite some time ago… Not recently at all (and well, its still broken and underdeveloped).
F-16 can be considered as one (but well… Japanese players disliked it, cause it was a bad decision)
Anyway, what Thailand vehicles appeared?

Different geometry and point of balance? It’s not a 1:1 fuselage.

not taken into account as far as i can tell, just heavier with more fuel. thats what its file says at least.

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I highly disagree with it being a bad decision theres rumors of the Japanese actually testing the that airframe F16 but obviously no real concrete evidence which makes it neither true nor untrue but if you look at it realisticly would you really rather have been fighting F16As and now Cs and MiG-29s in a Phantom?

Edit: its been what 4 or 5 months since the AJ? And we still dont know when were actually getting another jet

Hm… Well… There is hope. But i strongly believe, that it will be just US prem(

And, IRC, actually suggested plane had some differences on its frame (but ingame we have pure copy) and some placements of AA rockets.
And i believe, that XF-2 wouldnt be a bad decision to actually add.

Type 10 was requested for years by the community.

It seems like a long time, but in terms of development, it is recent. Gaijins are like Ents in these things.
Type 90 was the main mbt for yearssss, also received Type 10 variants until recently. In addition to a new premium.

Yeah there were specific Sparrow mounts on the Gear doors, the XFS and even the F2As radar just poses a very large problem of being added atm

But wouldnt it be balanced by actual rocket loadout?

Yes it would but it will be basically identical to the AJ for the time being since we wont get AAM-3s
I believe theres 2 additional pylons on the F2 as well since the wings are 25% larger

I think you mean suggestion

arent they supposed to be fixing the br and ranks this update?

I am pretty sure that does not really happen with major content updates, maybe wrong?.. it tends to be separate updates for things like BRs, Ranks, MM, etc…

their roadmap said something about the TT’s and reworking them i think?

Yeah, but these major content updates tend to be complex as it is, so basically to help avoid more issues and complications any major adjustments happen separately

And the Devs would have been waiting to get this content update rolled out before getting back to the roadmap… like I said I maybe wrong ? have to see if Smin has anything to say

Which Roadmap info were you looking at ?

This latest (AUG 31st) mentions “…we’re going to be talking about the reduction of the research and purchase cost of aircraft, as well as the changes to numerous maps thanks to your feedback. These changes will come to the game in the upcoming major update”…