Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Of course, those are the rules. Im surprised we even have 9Ls at this point and aren’t still trying to get 9Gs

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Well if theyre testing the 9M curreny theres still a week before the patch so we may still have a chance at 9M

ive gotta ask, whats up with the SMT’s fm? i pulled up wt rti, loaded my 9-13 to be heavier than the smt (drop tank and 2 r60’s compared to a clean SMT), and it still has a higher turn rate, despite mass and fuel really being the only thing that was changed in the flight model files.

Might just be current FM but the SMT is also significantly heavier in comparison

which is why i loaded the 9-13 to be heavier than the SMT i was comparing it to

Well thats not accounting for additional internal and engine weight and radar

the engines weigh the same, dry the SMT is only 800 kg heavier in the files, and as it stands a full fuel 9-13 turns faster than a min fuel smt with clean wings and no drop tank

Like I said its probably just the current FM but it will be more of a brick regardless of Dev or Live server its a much heavier jet whether the files are correct or not

oh i know itll have worse flight performance than the 9-13, thats to be expected. but when i can load up the 9-13 to weigh roughly 2500kg more than the SMT and still have it turn better (though only by a little, only about 0.7 degrees per second more) something has to be a little off right? or am i just overlooking something. i just find it weird that, when held next to eachother these flight models only differ in fuel and mass, the rest remains the same, yet that still happens

Nah its definitely weird a lot of people are talking about it, its more then likely just Dev FM

It seems that Gaijin is determined to bolster minor Nations and open up new markets in a single 2-in-1 master move, with a lot of copy&paste sauce (which I don’t mind).

Worthy of a snail moves very slow. You will remember that a few years ago (today the complaints continue but it is not as frequent or we are more used to it) we complained a lot and constantly about how gaijin added content mostly to the main Nations (Germany counted as one at that time) and had in a state of abandonment to lesser nations.
Then the subtrees arrived. One of the great dilemmas of that time in the British TT was the lack of mobility, and South Africa brought mobility.
Then with Finland, he came to fill in some holes, especially in the midrange. We could question the Finnish subTT, as Sweden is relatively new and there were other needier nations on the waiting list, but it represented a low-effort move to a TT that has generated good revenue for Gaijin in recent years, so it was he injected more Finnish stuffing into it.
During the last Majors, you will notice that Italy and Japan have received some love and now Italy receives Hungary who can provide the much-needed MBT and things from Thailand mysteriously appear…

I’ll leave my thoughts in an ellipsis for now, but everything indicates that we will see more SubTt

Well… We can hope its the dev FM. T-80BVM Spalling anyone?

True very very true

something else,
what are those white patches for?

And surely he’s aware of R-73E and R-73M and not confusing the two? What about R-74 and R-74M?

Is he saying competitive overall, or as a dogfight missile? Because it seems like the AIM-9M still has better range over the R-73 still. And would make it the better short range (3.0-5.0km all aspect) missile.

As a dogfight missile, and for flare rejection capabilities it’s obvious R-73 is better. It would make sense that nothing is as competitive until AIM-9X, IRIS-T, etc.

If R-73 = AIM-9X, why are we even waiting for Rank 8 to expand, or even ARH? My head is spinning lmao.

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how would the 9M be the better dogfighting missile? and uh, since when is R-73 = 9X? 9x has a much larger off bore, (loal too?), smokeless motor, and uses IIR instead of an IR seeker making it about as immune to flares as the in game stingers are. the 9X would possibly be the worst thing you could add to the game rn.
the only thing you need to do to avoid getting killed by the 73 is using the Mk.1 eyeball to notice them being launched before they get too close.

I think they are just trying to avoid adding 9Ms by saying they wouldnt help at all.


Which is hilarious to me because if they wouldnt help why not add them


the 9M had issues with soviet flares thanks to their slower burn making its irccm do some funky shit iirc so, not entirely wrong. even still, it would at least get people to shut up for a little lol