Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Honestly, there are many gaps to fill in numerous nations… I know people always want new things, but one day or another they will have to fill those gaps

People still asking for Pre-ww2 - ww2 stuff knowing it just another 40k+ RP to grind through Q-Q

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I’m glad that Hungary is finally coming to WT, to the Italian tree of course. Italy badly needed this.

As the main German I don’t see how Hungary can reinforce my line-ups. Another 2A4? another T-72? more MiG 21? ,MiG 29? by god no more Su-22!!
Hungary has nothing to offer Germany except the Gripen. We’ll get the Lynx anyway, this one or the next major.

Congratulations to my Italian brothers.

P/D1 By the way, it was an excellent Gaijin teaser. Congrats to you too.

P/D2 give a super étendard also to Germany!!!


Omg thank you

Did germany used super étendard?

How many nations have F-16s again? Doesn’t Germany have a Mig as well? That leaves what 2 minors with decent missiles.

Yeah but are those things going to make that big of a difference right now? Imho they are not (especially not at the price of extra weight). When the real benefits of the Zhuk will be needed the extra flight performance of the M will come in handy too

No, Argentina did however…

cough TAM, TAM2IP, TAM-2IC cough


Ohhhh okk

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I’m hoping for Gripen in the October patch but IDK what they can do for Britain that will keep them up to speed with the rest of the game, AMRAAMs won’t help and an SAAF tree looks unlikely, the Eurofighter is likely going to be the star of it’s own patch so I doubt we see any DA models either that would take away from that. IDK what’s left

Only nations without something viable top tier are Britain and Sweden. France is weak, but okay with the Mirage

I can feel an update “Delta wings” with Eurofighter and Rafale

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Every thoroughbred German wants to get a Mig-29G with a speech informant Rita, but in German. Here is an example:


Agree 100% (imho they should have added the Gripen Jas39A with sky flashes and AiM9Ls and a Canadian F16 for Britain


Gripen could come from SAAF, But I dont want it. We have a few AMRAAM carriers, but they’ll be reliant on decent IR AAMs to stay in the fight. Only real hope would be EF Typhoon DA2 with 6x 9L and 2x SkyTrash for short term and add to it over time

I’d prefer not being another F-16, but at this point, Id take anything over the F3

Sorry, but that Lynx is going to the UK now, gotta plug the holes with “commonwealth” tanks!


So could the MiG-29B and the MiG-29UB be the top of the top for the Hungarian line ?

Or are these to modern ?


oh good god xD