Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Enjoy your first heavy tank

And there will be a normal zrinyi without the rockets

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british ifv’s look very interesting ngl tho we know they are kinda unreliable who cares still war thunder will make them reliable

Hehe but hey at least we maintain our army unlike Russia : D

Ironically Gaijin has a perfect get-out-of-jail card right here.

Aussie and Hungarian Lynxes are identical, just give the Aussie one to Germany - nobody complains.


Im happy that Italy gets Zrinyi as its actual Hungarian tank, same with stuff like Toldi or that armored car

Except why would Germany have an Australian vehicle?

cuz it was originally german


Better chance of that coming to Britain. Unless you meant Austrian instead Australian

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Nah it will be in Britain

Except it isn’t? Lynx wasn’t chosen (and it still would make more sense to have it in German TT considering C2A1 is there). UK can have the AS-21 Redback instead or y’know what - a vehicle THEY actually took part in designing/producing, the Ajax.

Yeah but it’s Australian, which means US or UK

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I don’t understand anything anymore… Lynx IFV or Heli?

Oh Good, so we can get the Mig-29 SMT (1998) with R-73s possibly. But we still don’t have the F-15 (multiple nations could field this), or F18(multiple nations could field this). Aim-9Ms or Aim-120s that we should have to counter the Migs. Are they going to just continue to backfill other nations after they are obsolete and continue flooding 1 nation (russia) with modern planes?

If the Mig-29 SMT is put into the game, then we are past due for the F15 with Aim-120s and Aim-9Ms. Plus way past due for Aim-9Ms on other platforms already in game.

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funny enough germany does plan on replaacing the PUMA with the KF41Lynx


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the ifv not the heli we aint talking about helis here

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Now I wonder after this update, what will they have in store for us for the new year update.

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8 for all versions

idk bruh ask epicblitzkrieg87 they know more than me

I wouldn’t either, the M is definitely FAR too strong for anything we have in game right now. Imho the S (instead of the SMT) would have been enough for the F16C. I brought up the M because it was (unlike the SMT) an entirely Soviet design and has the same radar of the SMT.

Ah, fair enough. But too be honest, US and Soviets should be the last nations getting any aircraft this update, Britain and Sweden are currently DOA top tier currently.

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