Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

What Anti-british bait?

I WANT Sea Harrier FA2.
I WANT Harrier Gr9
I WANT Tornado Gr4
I WANT EF Typhoon.

Any of those not British?

I think teh T-90 was the biggest mistake ever made, and SA tree not far behind it. Only you have come in here and pissed on us having fun digging a hole for Gaijin with their Commonwealth decision.

Heck even made CR2 thread specifically to get fixes for it because I want a British MBT that is actually realistic


Gaijin’s not digging the hole.
You’re pushing massive argumentative strawman fallacy, a fiction you created, aka digging a hole.


Massive arguments lmao wtf


These nations are part of the commonwealth

Ergo, each and every one of them could be added to Britain by their own confirmation. In the exact same way both South Africa and India have been added.


Now I dont want any of them, I think they should go into their own tree. With the exception of 1 or 2 perticuarly close nations, such as Canada, Australia, etc. But only when necessary.

Such as the Canadian Hawk 200 or Scorpion 90.


Which means Su-30MKI & alike, not imported vehicles.

The path of calling out off-topic bait shouldn’t upset anyone here.

Skinwalkers !

Mig-29/Su30MKI from India

Also Pantsir from India (Ka-52 was also trialed in india, so maybe close there)

Tor-M1 from Cyprus

F-15 from Singapore

F-18 from Canada or Australia

F-16 were nearly, very nearly purcahsed by New Zealand (might be close enough)

Abrams from Australia (actually already in game)

Gripen from South Africa

The list goes on, that was the game we were playing

Su-30 in British tree? Really???
I knew that T-90S will allow to stuff like this to be asked for…

Yeah, it would really suck, but its still a stupidly funny thought game.

The Mig29 should consume MORE fuel. Its highly unrealistic. The mig29 is not a strategic fighter like the Su-27. They are short-range, front-line fighters used for point defense.

All soviet fighters ESPECIALLY the Mig21 should guzzle way more fuel than they are in this video game.

Lol a Mig21 Bis cannot stay on after burner for 30 minutes. GJ has utterly stretched what is physically possible for Soviet engines.

spare me

Just trying to stick to things we have evidence for.

imo Egypt isn’t likely to be a nation which will have specific representation in another nation 's techtree. Their equipment is widely varied in origin while also being mostly similar to what will/would be added to an existing TT anyway.

If the GB techtree is going to be receiving all the vehicles operated by a middle eastern non-commonwealth country, I’d expect it to be the Kingdom of Iraq, if anyone: they mostly operated british vehicles, and it might explain their flag being in the files.

Widening the topic to other nations which might be appearing in existing TT 's later, this comment from Smin on the Csaba devblog:

" Other similar nations " obviously includes Romania, since it was one of their vehicles which introduced the " minor Axis nations are implemented in Italy " rule.

It may also include Bulgaria later, their flag is in the files and their BMP-23 was leaked in along w/ the 2S1, AMX 10M, and all the Turan now appearing on the devserver.


i’d guess belgium stuff onto france


I’m not going to guess anyone until someone from GJN says something, or we actually see one of their vehicles leaked.

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Yeah, but based upon things Hungary coming to Italy and Finland and I’d guess Norway to sweden that its not a stretch to guess Belgium onto France

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Britain needs the following to go back to being worth it, unique and competitve.


  • IFV / Light tank line, consisting of Ferret, Fox, Scorpion, Warrior, AJAX, Boxer, Alvis Saladin, Vickers Mk11 and Bulldog variants
  • Recoilless rifle tank destroyers and other fast attack, glass cannons. Land Rover WOMBAT, Land Rover MILAN, etc
  • More Swingfire/ATGM vehicles like Ferret Swingfire, maybe Land Rover w/ Javelin ATGM
  • Better Challenger 2 variants like CR2 Megatron, including its baracuda thermal blanket.
  • Better domestic SPAA. ADATS is a TD, so Stormer AD, RAPIDRanger, Tracked Rapier, and even Sky Ceptor. Also needs SPAA around 7.0. Proxy round flak or something.
  • Challenger 2 needs its armor, ammo, crew positions, ERA, mobility all fixed
  • Early Blowpipe or Javelin SPAA
  • Stormer HVM needs Thales LMM and its range, tracking, missile physics and sights reworked.


  • Tornado F.3 needs AIM-9M and AMRAAM A/B or C
  • A competitive fighter needs to be introduced to dogfight. Eurofighter DA.2 or SAAF Mirage, Gripen, or commonwealth like CF-18.
  • ATGMs like AJ.168 mounted on Planes like Jaguar GR3A or Buccaneer S.2B
  • Sea Harrier FA.2 w/ AMRAAM and AIM-9L
  • AIM-9Ls for Phantom FGR.2 and FG.1
  • Tornado GR.1 to recieve the correct BOZ pod chaff count
  • Tornado GR.4 to bring a decent multi-role aircraft to Britain

Probably more but these would be Britains biggest issues. I don’t play Naval so I can’t say for ships.


@Morvran go start making some suggestions in the aircraft suggestion thread for these indian vehicles I need more chaos

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I’d vote 9M here. No cannons means it needs decent short range IR capabiliies


Hehe, I’d dare not. No doubt they’d actually add them. If its not be suggested yet though ,might do the Canadian Scorpion 90, that could be a really fun little tank (at least I think canada operated them)

Not precedent for imported vehicles to be added.
The only precedent has been domestically produced vehicles from nations not-in-War Thunder to be added, which includes T-90S Indian edition, as Russian T-90S doesn’t have that anti-mine device, & has soft kill APS.

Su-30MKI was an Indian-Sukhoi project. The Indian government is the reason thrust vectoring Sukhois exist, which is why I only listed that.

Wrong, RD-33 uses less fuel IRL than in WT, and there’s an active bug report on it.
Mig-21Bis has ~9 minutes of fuel on afterburner in WT, not 30minutes, stop pushing lies.

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