Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

No they didn’t… Gaijin’s just doing what they’ve been doing for the last decade.
Nothing has changed.

Okay, they took the open can of worms out of the fridge and when they put it back, they didnt put the lid back on properly

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Nope. They’re doing status-quo behavior.
While Deathmisser is begging for Gaijin to change their behavior & add vehicles outside the rules…

I just want the Penetration Cum Blast ammo to be in the game. If Britain is a way to implement it, I don’t care about anything else.

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It’s that scene with Bender opening a second pot of salt just a tiny bit lmao

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No begging was had, we are just playing, “how deep a hole can we make Gaijin dig”

You name it, we can probably find a Commonwealth nation that used it and so it could now officially be added ot Britain as part of their recent decision/declaration. So Pantsir and Tor-M1 could 100% be added to the British Tree.

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Nope. You’re begging, unironically so.
You’re pushing for vehicles that go against the rules of additions.

Sea Harrier FA2, 100% begged for.

Gripen, Mig-29, F-16, F-18, F-14

all would suck and no one wants added to the BRitish tree, but still a hilarious thought experiment though and all have a previous prescedent

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There are no rules, only precedents. Gaijin can and will do whatever they feel like to maintain balance.

I’d be pretty against seeing more Eastern style vehicles in UK. T-90 is one too much imo.
I didn’t play Britian to get stuck with Russian assets

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I mean Smin ritually confirm that Commonwealth will be in Britain and he didn’t from whom

Yep, Most I’d want is a healthy smattering of stuff from Canada and Australia and maybe a few others

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F-15 Saudi Arabia. Congrats bro!

F-14 wasn’t used by anyone connected to Britain, and doesn’t have precedent. So nice lie.

There are rules.

We have Iranian Lightning F53 in game in the BRitish tree right now. Iran still uses F-14s

Saudi lightning m8

Hmmm… I oculd ahve sworn it said Iranian when it was added, hmmm… not sure where I got that from then

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And so who exactly is supposed to enforce them? and what are the penalties for breaking them.