Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

oooh. now that would have actually been useful

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Hehehe they can’t come back from their hole now

Ah damn I checked. India nearly bought Ka-52s. but I dont think they ever did in the end

Well it doesn’t matter because good news Egypt used it lol

Yeah, but no British connection there. at least they arent part of the commonwealth

I thought we ruled over them

I created a Sub-tree suggestion for Republic of Korea and it was a firestorm. It wasn’t specific to Japan either lol. However for what we had in-game the only options that people wanted or that I could think of were the USA or Japan due to popular demand.

Edit: I posted it as an alternative in-case a United Korea tree didn’t come to fruition.

“The history of Egypt under the British lasted from 1882, when it was occupied by British forces during the Anglo-Egyptian War, until 1956 after the Suez Crisis, when the last British forces withdrew in accordance with the Anglo-Egyptian agreement of 1954”

It was a protectorate but not a part of the empire

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Ah, i remember that thread. Many people demanded it to US LOL

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Ah ok but still an option though hehe as Sweden got trialed stuff

Yeeeaaaahhhh it was rough lol. I just wanted to have a backup idea in case a United tree didn’t work out with Gaijin.

Yeah, I’ve heard F-16s from New Zealand as well, as they very very nearly got them, but cancelled them at the last second

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Big sad right there

But hey Jordan has then so there one

Doesnt Canada have F-16s?

We do not. Instead we have the CF-18 Hornet, I can PM you some pictures I got of one at CIAS today if you want.


Nope F 18

Ah, no thank you, but thanks for the offer

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So Jordan it is then : D

@Smin1080p Like how there’s still no answer on the Jas39
we would just like to know if where getting a chance to fight the f16’s and 29’s
or if where gonna stay as easy prey.
Day 1