Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Sounds good to me, I hate fighting TURMS

Hungary = Germany or no one to add at all.

On this one I have to say it’s quit strange…
Like give T-90S to France too because Algeria uses it… yeah it makes absolutly no sens


uhh sorry, i can’t get it :( can you explain please?

This patch, who knows, but eventually, yes.

Dont guve them ideas, T-90S is already ridiculious

Unless we get fox-3s the 2 radars will perform basically the same (what’s the point of extra range and better TWS when we do not have fox3s?), since the resistance to notching when on STT lock is basically IDENTICAL between the Su-27 radar and the Rubin/Zhuk.

when fox3s will come the Zhuk is very close to the Su27 radar, and the MUCH better performance of the MiG29M will compensate more than enough (plus the M carries 6 radar missiles)

Perfect! And then UK can get Su-30MKI, and France can get the Su-30MKI(A)!

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Yes give Britain it’s Aussi Lyxn

that one looks weird tbh

Range and vertical scanning. SMT is going to be semi PESA. Should be easier to get and maintain lock.

Dude disapeared so kickly

I’d not bank on any thing like that this year, Probably would be a few major updates after Fox 3 at least. Maybe along side Early Typhoon and F-15

Rafale plz

I just saw the post come and go inmediately lol

too bad you don’t get to decide

That too

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I’m just happy that Germany is receiving a new Leopard. The PSO, or any Leopard for the matter, was a much needed addition

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True yea but Smin did confirm that Britain will be finally a home to Commonwealth vehicles