Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I think it would be reasonable to give the PUMA spikes this update. I can see how it would be annoying to those who like Germany.

Yep hence it’s a teaser

Please no, there is already enough C&P in Italian tree…

Ok then let’s leave the Lynx in the Italian tree for ever mahahahahh

Yep I agree, but the others nation who have Light tank / IFV with Fire and Forget Missiles should get them quick

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give PUMA all the needed stuff tbh

You’re asking for a full rework of it then lol.

(Which it should get anyways, the current Puma is an embarrassment to what it ought to be).

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if only it was the lynx helicopter xD, then us germans wouldnt complain

The SMT has 6 hardpoints, MiG-35 has 8

pls señor

SMT has 6 pylons irl tough

Su-27 or we riot. You can still have all the other variants of the MiG-29 you want, but we need a real radar, with plenty of R-27’s since R73 and R60M are dog poop in one way or another.



Screenshot 2023-08-31 223230

Italy and German mains, you jealous :P

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Ill let Lynx slip as only Germany can have it as well, but we dont need another T-72 when we can get modernised version

even tho i am late to the party i hope they don’t add leo/lynx/t72/btr to the italian tech tree or will be the perfect case of helping to get the situation worse (also there is no connection whatsoever to italy for the post war hungarian stuff, is too much of a stretch…)

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Technically UK via Australia as well… because it was extensively tested :D

And US too, but theirs is actually distinct (50mm, different turret, etc).

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Eh… Britian is getting a T-90 because… INDIA! So not that big of a stretch

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they have done some stuff tho… talking about russia.

At least this makes some sense. T-90S Bhishma, in a similar situation, as a tree hole plugger, makes zero sense.

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in that case we can remove the turms from russia and add it to italy because of the galileo fire control system ahahaahahaha