Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, same, I miss the Sea-Vixen just isnt fun with the Red Tops being… meh…

SRAAMs also due to get fixes, and buffs. Also should be double the range and all-aspect :P

(actually I think SRAAMs are being worked on as we speak, so maybe this update? or maybe next?)

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Not from what I have found.

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Oh wow, that’d be great. What are they know, 500 meters? Really have to be below gun range to get a hit now.

I max out at about 800m, but should be more like 1.8km I think

They also just have one the of craziest flight paths in game. I think when we got the Aerodynamics update for AAM, SRAAM just never got updated. So they just over-correct all the time and can straight up miss. That certainly doesnt help with range either


checks K/D of both aircraft

Off topic anyhow, neither aircraft is in game.

Keep clowning yourself, f15 isn’t going to face su22 in game (hopefully)

Typhoon with ASRAAM enters chat

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So the Mig29 SMT is utterly amazing. I love it. Better radar, with narrower FOV modes which gives you immediate lock on capability for the R27ERs, it receives two new missiles, the R73 and R27ET.

The SMT preforms exactly like the other Soviet Mig29 in ACM ranges. just slower in overall top end performance.

What does the new f-16 get? a HMD and some better thrust at low, static speeds? How many new missiles did the F16 get ? I haven’t even bothered testing it. Radar seems exactly same.

It has the same air-to-air loadout as the ADF

Guessing R-27ERs are getting removed and getting R-73s instead. I doubt you’ll keep R-27ET. I think they are just being tested, maybe get those instead of R-77 when ARH come

I mean there have been plenty of Su-27s shot down recently, including by a Su-25. So either we’re moving the Su-25 to 12.3, or the Su-27’s gonna have to go to 10.0 lolol.

@Smin1080p is the F-16C going to recieve 1000lb bombs?

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They aren’t removing ERs, not on the SMT atleast

R-37 from so far away even God doesn’t know what launched it…

Then its gunna have to be 12.7 at least. Because its going to steam roll anything and everything at 11.3

Good, I’ve always wanted to play an Su-30SM at 10.0.

I am hoping to not sound any sort of braindead here, but seeing as the Barak II is in the Nesher line (I guess that could be the fighter-bomber line), and it is seemingly more strike-focused, are there any plans for maybe a single-seat F-16C-30 to go after the Netz sometime in the future?

(Not this update, more like within the next 3-5 updates or so)

has no clue where it’s going because the target is smaller than a Super Guppy and the A-50 crew bumped the spinny disc switch

Where is the datamine? Someone who can give a link?

Alright, also marked them.

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