Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

and so am i. I do have a F-14 and a F-16 (I do not have accses to US rank 8 however i have the japanse F-16)

So would the Sea Harrier FA2. I just think AMRAAM wouldnt have been kept so secret, and they’d have wanted to scrape every second of dev server time they could get for them. they would have been the centre piece of the update

I seriously hope im wrong, would love that this update. But I too thought the Shar FA2 would have been the perfect test platform for the AMRAAM ahead of a general release

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love me sum harriers

@gromvoiny no premium jets this patch? :(

They same could be said about the JA37D when they added it. They are probably inserting multiple Fox 3 carriers throughout the game and then give Fox 3 missiles to many/most/all nations at once on their already existing carriers amongst some more new Fox 3 capable aircraft that patch.

Could be any patch now, but like you said probably not this one. All though that would be cool.

Yeah, it would save a mostly DOA update. Yeah, fingers crossed


F-16C-50 should get TER racks with GBU-12 on pylons 3,4,6,7

For me too, but do recognise the addition of great ground vehicles for those that play them. So happy for them!

I often enjoy just some random jet, usually premium, that gets added as an extra like the Vautour IIN early and late. The Sea Vixen. Cold War interceptor stuff is what I like and not really the META stuff so always hoping for one or two aircraft like that hidden in the files that don’t get much attention and are just sorta there when the patch drops. They did the same with the MiG-21S.

My points weren’t standing as points, but to show how ridiculous the plane is. SMT is objectively the best plane in the game now, since the F-16s still have their absolutely bogus G limiter that no other plane has.

You can’t approach a MIG-29 headon because of the R-27ER/Ts since those will nearly always snipe you first, and you can’t dogfight them because you’re arbitrarily limited while the MIG-29 is not. Heaven forbid you’re in a plane that isn’t the F-16, because you’ll have zero chance at all. The F-16C model itself isn’t even a considerable upgrade, since it’s just a slightly better motor and radar. Can’t give it the full upgrade suite or you’ll break the game with AMRAAMS.

If they insist on adding it to the game, it should be limited in loadout same as the Flanker A.

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Yeah, im a British ASB main, so kinda suffering this patch. though FRS1 finally being finished and playable in ASB is actually quite nice, that’ll keep me happy at least for a little while.

Not everyone can get something, but it does feel like they did really well for some, and totally abdandon the others and its the same few for the last updates that got nothing.

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ASB, Air Sim Battles?
So desperate of Cold War interceptors the other day I loaded up the premium Lightning with rocket pods in EC. When ripple fire 8 selected they shotgun out (how the F-89D should fire but doesn’t) and got 2 AI bombers with 72 rockets left (and Red Tops + cannons untouched) so I just do stuff like that until I get moar Cold War interceptors :)


Lightning F53 is a fun jet, but waiting on Red Top overhaul. Should have double the range, better guidance, and all-aspect. (with some limitations) Its reallly bad right now, barely better than a 9B.

Those the main bug reports I know of. but SRAAM are getting overhauled first

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9B still has more range.
On the Sea Vixen the Red Tops are ok with slower targets but on the Lightning they are a bit below the performance needed. Also only get two :/
Luckily for AI targets in SEC you can use the rockets. Wasn’t used like the on the lightning but other aircraft of that era used unguided rockets for bombers. The super cruise it has makes it great for hunting in SEC.

Yeah, and a decent radar with IFF helps too.

But yeah, should be like 3km range, not the current 1.5 ish if your lucky

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You should check for a fever, because that’s just a silly statement.

I’ve tested the ET on dev-server and it just isn’t the best. In front aspect 1 flare tap and burner cut is all it takes to defeat it. R-73s are a bit more tricky but if you see them in time they can be easily flared unless you’re <1,5km when it’s launched in rear aspect. Very close and very slow lauches are deadly tho, like it’s almost guarranted for R-73 to hit you in these scenarios unless you’re in spiral climb where R-73s struggle a lot with keeping their energy.

Nice counter arguement

Seeing that AMRAAMS aren’t coming yet, would an Italian Harrier get Sparrows?

Alright, made my mark too there just in case it helps. Been waiting for years for the overhaul.