Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Do they reveal other vehicles during the devstream,

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im not a german main dude

basicaly dev stream shows every vehicle that will be on the dev server, most of the time not yet reveaeled vehicles are included


The linx is for sure going in the hungarian subTT so to Italy, the question is wheter or not they’ll give it to germany

It’s called ermm Idk NATO ? It’s not gaijin’s fault.

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Probably tomorrow

And let’s remove the tree of Japan and Italy and shove them all into the branch of Germany, on the rights of the AXIS countries

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Nice, thanks for your awswer

I personally think it’ll be Italy, didn’t they already confirm this in the past?


wether or not gaijin will be gaijin more like prob not going to germany lol

The hell are you talking about?

“NATO” lmao. So you’d be fine if France were to like I dunno, get Canada for reasons, or Germany got Spain for reasons while the vehicles those nations used were not given to their designers (fx, F/A-18).

We just want Lynx to be given to Germany as well.


Yes they did but mains got to moan because they are not getting the monthly meta

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Glad to see Italy getting its own sub-tech tree with Hungary (I hope). It will help flesh out a nation which isn’t played enough. Hopefully France will get a similar treatment soon (Switzerland, or even Belgium, unless a Benelux tech tree arrives, I hope).


I already saw german main complaining about not having swiss sub TT on another post

Well its German vehicle, it makes sense it to be in German TT as well


Swiss is on Germany, Hunter F58 confirmed that, Belgium is a maybe though for them

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I can imagine. They never have enough, I suppose…

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Usually after Dev strean the server will be opened, and dev stream is gonna be tomorrow.

I hope so

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