Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

it can carry 4, albeit at the cost of the gun pods

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Unless the Harriers are the first aircraft to receive AMRAAM capability along with the Viggen and F4F Ice. There is no indication the F16 and especially the Mig29 with all its added capability this patch will receive active missiles first.

GJ test missile systems on inferior attackers and fighters. The F-104S ASA was first fighter ever to receive Aim-9Ls for a whole patch as well as the Su25 event with R73s.

Where did I say the MiG-29 and F-16 would get them?

Then why would you assume they be food? because they are subsonic? the Gr7 now is at 11.7 for a reason. Not because ground strike capability. But because how survivable it is in air RB with just 4 Aim9Ls alone.

I can slap f-16s and Mig-29s with the Gr7 in Air Rb and survive the match. Without a radar and SARH/ARH capability.

how would it be DOA?

and IR missiles.

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Thats the possible configs for it.

It does have another set of pylon on the wings and 1 centre line, so it can take the same A2G weapons as the FRS1 as well as Sea eagles (ASM) / Cluster bombs and those wing pylons could also be used for Fuel tanks

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Sweden needs an attacker as well so quit complaining

Isnt this the new F-16 but a lot better? Nothing the AV-8B would add that you dont have on the F-16 and the F-16 is a lot faster, a lot more agile and has BVRs. Not too mention the F-14B.

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Aim-9L are worthless these days. I can afterburn and pop one flare and they just miss me entirely. The harrier GR.7 was good when it came out but since then the missile had a series of nerfs. Ground attack was one of the reasons it increased in BR. It can reliably slap everything from over 15km away it’s probably still the best CAS in game for long range attack. The sea harrier FA.2 is a harrier one airframe so it has none of the agility improvements the GR.7 has. It’s got the stubby wings of a GR.3 and it’s doesn’t have LERX so it’s agility isn’t great.

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They better be changing their mind and releasing R-73 for the 9.12 and 9.13,

9L fixes might be coming this update. so Im going to wait to comment on that further

But it does have the better engine and so not only has the better TWR but also doesnt overheat instantly. Not going to be AS good in close in dogfight, but also a lot better than the FRS1. But it should ahve a radar that will outclass almost everything, or at least thats what I’ve heard about the Blue Vixen. Though decent IR missiles are going to be needed. I dont think 9Ls will cut it at 12.3

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Yes agreed. Thats why we gotta push to get the Brittish harriers in now and the AMRRAMS for them.

However, I must admit. The time at which the Brittish harriers with that capability should have been added was NOW alongside with the Italian harrier. I highly doubt those specific variants of the Brittish harrier capable of AMRAAMs will come in time to receive them first. So, in the case of British Harriers, they are DOA in the Air RB realm.

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It was moved up because Gr7 was good vs 11.3s that were in the game like F4s, and then F-16s and Mig-29s got added and it got slapped hard. 11.7 is probably not appropriate these days except for the fact MAWS is coming soon and 9Ls I think are getting fixed. They were massively nerfed. Also no Pantsir when it was added

They only issue I face with F16s and Mig29s in the Gr7 is the limitations of the Aim9L and the limited rounds in the cannon along with no tracers. I do not play the Gr7 much anymore and not used to the lack of tracers and velocity of the gun.

It is an extremely hard aircraft to kill with a smaller turn radius at stall speeds than the Mig29 and F16. Yes, they will eventually outrate the Harrier, but also many other aircraft.
Give it some AMRAAM capability and its far different fighter you do not want to bother engaging because of its insane CM count and habit of flying very low to the deck. Not to mention its superior burst acceleration at stall speeds.

Gr7 couldnt actually carry AMRAAM though.

But yeah, not saying its bad. Probably the best top tier britian has got at the moment. But 11.7 might not be entirely fair these days.

But what we really need is the Gr9 with Aim-9M, that would give Britain a decent CAS/Multirole fighter again.

Or SHar FA2 with AMRAAM

We are not advocating for the Gr7 to get AMRAAMS.

Yes, we are talking about AMRAAM capable harriers for the Brittish tech tree and why they should have been added now along with the Italian harrier.

Yeah, they should have been. They would have been an ideal early bird test platform. My theory is either that they still will be (but super secret ninja addition this update). THey will be early bird next update, with AMRAAM roll out Decemeber/Q1 next year or they’ll be the test platform for Aim-9M (it probably will need them)

FA2 should be okay in a brawl, better than the F3. but likely no cannon, likely not as many CMs and not quite as good a turn radius as the Gr7. Its going to be an interesting aircraft to fly. Luckily should be the perfect bird for SB.

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Honestly I personally would have preferred it if the US got the AV-8B this update as well instead of the F-16C, as they were the ones who developed it from the original Harrier in the first place and as such them NOT having it is heresy IMO. Now it just seems kind of redundant to add it anyways even if I really want it since the F-16C can just do it’s job instead…

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As someone who’s been investing time into the Japanese TT, I am sorely disappointed to see that Japan is only getting the PT-808.

While a neat little addition to bolster my JMSDF line-up, all I have to ask is this:

When the HELL is Japan going to get some new aircraft and tanks to play? Japan is missing any new light tanks following the Ka-Mi (which, by the way, has been missing its floats for AGES now). Having a literal 1.0 - 3.0+ BR gap in its light tank line is just nuts.

There are plenty of pre-war/wartime aircraft that Japan could benefit from in terms of having something fun and new to play. Hell, BRING IS SOME OF THEIR EXPERIMENTALS! (And NOT just as event rewards. Make them regular TT, or at best, Tier I - Tier III GE prems that won’t cost an arm, leg and half a paycheck.)

Personally I’m tired of seeing new updates be dominated by these modern jets and missiles; They seem to be causing more and more problems and issues among the players and it’s rather annoying. Modern armor is just repetivite and boring.

Low Tier is Fun Tier, but Japan hasn’t had anything fun at low tiers for a while now, pretty much since the D4Y and B6N were introduced.

If need be, I’ll bust out the spreadsheets I’ve built over time for the air, ground and naval forces of ALL nations. I’ll PROVE there’s still more pre-Cold War machines that can be added as a MUCH NEEDED break from the top tier favoritism.