Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

when do you open the dev server?

I think either the Gnat or Bomber Mosquitto that are rumoured are going to be Premium

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Wonder what US mains would’ve said if the not adopted XM-1 prototype would’ve been added to some other nations tech tree.
Weird how it’s hard to understand for people that German players want a vehicle developed by Germany in the German tech tree.
How about we remove all
The US heavy T-series tanks and add them to Russia. The US never adopted them after all 🤦🏼‍♂️


thinking about it the Bae EAP would be a decent solution British Aerospace EAP - Wikipedia

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Require? It seems that when you add the same option, you need to add it simultaneously to different branches of development, and not only to Italy, for example, but this is not a question for you.

The question is why do you think that Rheinmetall does not belong to Germany or the German Army

No chance of that

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Btw, now having Hungary sub-tree in Italy (its like 99% prob), not giving South Korean sub-tree to japan is just pure hypocrisity from Gaijin and literal hate towards tech-tree

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The ADV was both entirely British and also not that good, Giving Britain the Eurofighter early would be like adding the F-15J to Japan because they need it, but not to the US because they have other aircraft. The Eurofighter is gonna be a huge announcement, it’s not just some thing on the side that is interesting but not all that good it will be the flagship vehicle of it’s patch more than likely, giving Britain a prototype version early will ruin that.

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Brother, AL-31F would like to have a discussion with you. Su-27 is the superior plane basically all-round. Weight is only half the equation.

Hopefully this exact issue won’t happen with the South Korean K1 MBTs, which are designed by the US from the XM-1, and for which the US provides composite armor - adding them to Japan would make no sense, as does adding the Hungarian KF41 to Italy instead of Germany (especially when Italy has an overabundance of IFVs)


You understand that Koreans hate Japanese to the point that 99% won’t even drive a japenese car even if you gifted it to them. They have 0 positive connection

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That has already been denied by the devs as a testbed never intended for production

Not disagreeing with you, but we are entering 12.3+ and there is nothing in the cards that would come close to 12 for britain currnetly. Unless we get ASRAAM for Gr9 and Gr4. But That is unlikely

Except that PSO doesn’t get additional hull protection…

Agreed, being sarcastic.

Absolutely dont care. Indians or South Africans dont like GB too, but they are in their tree. Taiwanise and Mainland Chinese has complicated relationships too. And well, Korea in JP Tech-tree is way more justified than Hungary in Italian

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it does, the chassis is the leoaprd 2a6ex chassis, which has the same armor as the sweden ones


I think this was true, but less so in the past few years. Adding Taiwan to china though, well, that is a very political statement

I know, I think it is kinda subtree or bust for Britain at this point and the SAAF fits best, unless they give you a proposed aircraft in the same vein as the F-16AJ, do you know of any candidates that fit that description?