Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

I’ve got a solution just MiG-29UPG to britain as it’s the Indian variant and is a SMT with different avionics 😂😂😂😂😂

That… is the only problem, though they can be given other aircraft that would fullfil the same role.

Yeah but then it’s still an handicapped plane. It would be essentially be weak with only aim9Ls and skyflashes at the start of the game but then literally be unbeatable in 1v1.

i wouldnt completly agree with this, if you completly follow this then the developed US variant of the KF41 would be german as well, but that one is so different by now i wouldnt classify it as german anymore

Ye, source?

I can bet my Tiger UHT that:

  • it didn’t happen
  • if it did, Hungary requested Rheinmetall to redesign it rather than doing it themselves

And aside from that, it would be completely irrelevant in face of the rest of the vehicle not having even a single strand of “Hungarian DNA” in it.

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You know there were 7 prototypes, right? DA2 wasn’t the only one ;)

Although I agree that one more F16 would be annoying

Considering the Tornado F3’s current state, and how outclassed it is. I’d take that. Yeah, in a 1v1 it would be hard to beat. but Torando F3 vs Mig-29 or F-16 or F-14 is also a one sided fight

I don’t think, so buddy 😬



Burden of proof buddy.


Yes but what you’re asking for is that Britain get preference on the Eurofighter, a joint European project, why should Germany and Italy have to wait?



Right now that is clearly a German-American vehicle. It’s not adopted by the US.
Its basis is developed by Rheinmetall and the modifications are done by Rheinmetall and Ratheon

yeah the tornado F3 is trash unless it’s in a downtier (then the radar+ radar missiles do their job tough).

I know you would take that, I am not sure how non British mains would take it lol

So I guess now we keep an eye out for the dev server update right?

Italy had to wait for the Tornado ADV, so there is precendence there. Point is Germany is 100% fine with Mig-29, Italy is 100% fine with F-16, Britain though… is screwed. Yeah, SHar FA2 might keep us in the fight, but not for long, and not without very good IR AAM, that would likely be given to all at the same time, so wouldnt give us much of a edge. So either we get a copy paste commonwealth jet, or it has to be an early Typhoon, it would 100% be unfair for Italy and Germany, but the current state of things is 100% unfair on Britain

Yeah… I play ASB, it has an 11.7 rating and is hard-locked to fight F-16s and Mig-29s. So I have never seen a “downtier”

I think we’ll be just fine

… that is basicaly what every nation is doing, this is not limited to germany