Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

You dont even need to go that far yet, like i said stuff like EMBT KF51 T-14 and other nations new MBTs arent neccessary yet. Why would you want to add them without having 2A7 2A8 or the remaining T-90 & T80 T72 variants. I think gaijin rushed it for some nations like japan or China they already have their best MBTs whole everyone else is still lacking behind.

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The EMBT is basically just a Leclerc turret on a Leopard 2 hull with the extra frontal armour, so it wouldn’t be overpowered by any means, and it would also add something interesting to both Germany and France.

It will be added together with the T-14 then, but the EMBT is not ready yet its currently being tested somewhere in germany, you can already see it but i dont like the look tbh, could be the turret causing this the KF-51 looks much better.

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So more of a sidegrade. While the 2A6 offers more firepower, the PSO offers more protection instead.

You don’t know that, and as I said, it wouldn’t be anything special in terms of how powerful it is compared to anything we already have in game. The T-14, on the other hand, would. Also, you are probably thinking about the MGCS, which is a further development of the EMBT.

Only against the poor guy stock grinding with HEAT-FS since most atgms at top tier are either tandem or top attack.

To my knowledge, the Leopard 2 PSO could mount the same extra hull armour as the Strv 122.

Could mount =/= did mount. Not a single picture of the PSO exists with the frontal armour package, and therefore I’m 90% confident if it comes, there won’t be a “module” to replace the dozer with the armour.

watch it be the damned black eagle or the burlak

Then the Yak-141 should have its weapons and most Features removed, since it was only an engine testbed.

We shouldn’t be so picky imo.

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I belive he talks about this EMBT


They should add the C1 to the Arietes and rename the AMV to the C2 Ariete, as it was recently renamed in real life.

Firmato il contratto per gli ARIETE C-2 di serie

While you may feel that way, I promise you that’s not what’s gonna happen. Kinda like new power, gajjin is going to implement several new MBT’s at the same time as they often do whenever they implement a new rank. There’s no reason to think this will be different. Also we know the T-90M has been worked on for a while and it’s most likely being worked on exactly for the Rank 8 ground forces update. Likewise we can probably expect new Rank 8 tanks for several other nations at the same time like some version of the Leopard 2A7 and a new Step Abrams.

Since we’re doing speculation, here’s a list of vehicles that could come soon for the UK:
Eurofighter DA.2
Tornado CSP
Sea Harrier FA2
BAe Hawk
Folland Gnat
Buccaneer S2B

Desert Warrior
Warrior CSP
AJAX Overwatch
Challenger Falcon
Abbot SPG
Land Roved Milan/WOMBAT
Exactor M113
Ferret varients
Fox varients
Tracked Rapier
SIKA Tracer
Land Ceptor (doubt it)
Stormer AD
Warrior ADATS
Blowpipe/Javelin SPAAs
Thales LMM for Stormer HVM

May also see Royal Navy helis like Wildcat.

My only hope is that Gaijin focuses on Light Tanks and Aircraft for Britian instead of giving us our 10000th Challenger 2…


I guess gajin might consider in the future but whishlist spoiler and not hidden

Wtf is saddam doing there

How else do you think they power the T-14? :)

No, because its not C2 but only prototype of it. AMV name is correct

All I wish for the Christmas Update is a Hungarian Mig-29 in the Italian tree and an Indian T-90S in the British tree. I was a good boy this year and I wished for industrial amounts of salt. Hehe


And thats why we cant have nice sub trees. All you want is C&P or very close to it instead of original stuff which bring something unique to the game