Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

War Thunder Mobile has released their first Major Update:

Along w/ plenty of things moved from here to there, like Rank VI ground units, and jet aircraft, they’ve also added a new system of nickname decoration:

Darkflow 's Enlisted uses a similar system, I wouldn’t be surprised if we get something like this soon here too.

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Regarding Air RB. I believe we are going to get another batch of Harriers for multiple nations soon and they may be the first aircraft to have AMRAAM capability to test the waters. F4F ice and Viggen mod D as well. PL12 for J8F.

As for top tier fighters I think the Gripen/Eurofighter more possible first and then the F15A early with 4x4 Aim9Ls and Aim7F/Ms alongside the Su27 with R73s and R27ERs (carries a lot).
(not sure about this upcoming patch though)


Is coastal tree planned for french navy? It is useful to use torpedo boat in some situations …

Is there some basis for this or is it more of a prediction?

Actually, a Chinese player who predicted qn506, Zts- 63a, and pantsir come before summer mentioned that F-15 and Su27 would appear in the later half-year, but he doesn’t mention a specific time.


we know gripen will come next update

We do?

from the old forum , I thing a mod said that it is going to be the next update , also it checks out with the gaijin cycle , it is the same update which Viggen was added

I would like to see more then hear say.

But I would think it would be the december update.

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I never recall hearing such a thaing and I stuck around on that forum quite often. Plus other people would of made videos about such a confirmation so no I don’t think it’s confirmed at all too be coming next update, just this year.

We got three update left.

September updates are usually quiet.

October and December are more focused on new nations.

This is supported by sweden, israel and finland.

By the looks of it they are planning to add a new nation in the October updates by the fact they are adding a mechanic to support new nations.

Where is the new camo pack though.

Eurofighter before F-15A?! I would like some of whatever you are smoking, sir.


I actually like the new forum Changes

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It’s impossible to dev consider Eurofighter Typhoon DA from UK, Italy & Germany before F-15A from USAF and F-15A Baz from IAF because Eurofighter Typhoon flight control system, avionics, radar and Air-to-Air Missiles better F-15A

I guess dev implemented new rank for aircraft toptier within 2 years

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Soon! © ® ™ ℠ 🄮 Ⓜ ℗


@Smin1080p can you give me a hand? i can’t hear the new crew voices since patch day, i have made a bug report about it but it’s still to be acknowledged by anyone. here is the link: Community Bug Reporting System

Last time checked this was not a bug report thread. But have you tried to repair the game files?

i did, i just posted here because the bug report is almost a week old and i have not received a follow up on it, maybe a moderator here can bring it up to attention, i did repair the game files, played with the volume sliders, tried different nations on different tiers and nothing. them i went to youtube and watched a couple of videos and the crew voices play just fine for them