Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I will not do your guys 's work for you well let’s put it this way I don’t have the computer skills to look into programs so I talk about it in the forums and let you know about it and you should report it I always knew E/A games was better for reporting bugs all i have to do is them is just tell…bout it in the forums and they fix it!

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we are based on “Facts” and “History”… Arcade games do not need Facts nor History… they have “Health Bars”… we do not…

It usually helps that you post about it in the correct place, and not just find some random topic to talk about them.

We have an special website to report bugs:
Posting it on a random forum thread will not do anything.

Also be sure to check the knowledgebase before reporting a bug:


I’m looking forward for Tier 8 ground forces!

they will probably move already exacting tanks there and call a day , most nations don’t eligible tanks for that rank

Yeah no they will definitely add some new vehicles like the T-90M, a more modern 2A7 variant and a more modern SEP variant of the M1A2.

They are adding rank VIII to be able to sell rank VII premiums. No way they’ll add an entire new rank without some vehicles to hype it up.

With next patch it has been 2 years since Gaijin promised TT versions of the BMD. Maybe it’s time?


German Players waiting for another Leopard: First time here?


We are expecting a French Navy ship to be the reward for this year’s Summer Event!
Just as Freccia sashayed into the newborn Italian Navy at the event in 2020, I hope the French Navy will have a strong event ship!

  1. Someone suggested the new name since it’s the propper name and a bit more in line with the XM975

Damn, if they were to be added in the next major update, do you think they’ll add the others together in one go? Like BMD-1, 2, and 3 in one update?

I hope devs wont disappoint them again

So it’s been 8 days now since I’ve reported the bug report - because Thermals are messed up again. Just like 3 months ago. And it hasn’t been fixed yet. Why not? If you play top tier you know how important thermals are. You all are capable of fixing issues the same day. Why is it taking so long to fix thermals? Others are complaining as well that it’s an issue. It’s a basic function of certain vehicles that should work correctly. Why isn’t it?

Gotcha. Thanks I wasn’t sure if I rememberd it being spoken of.

Np mate o7

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Looks like the F-18B is on its way.

If you link me the report I can look into it.
8 days is a small time tho.

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Whoops… I will pass that typo along :)


Thanks, it is appreciated. It is terrible trying to play with thermals like this. Have gotten no replies on the bug report. What’s crazy is just a few minutes ago there was a new minor update (PS4) and again thermals are not fixed. I don’t understand it.

Thermals bug report