Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

they are not gonna add the F-15A , it does not have flares !

As far as I know, we didn’t say it was coming next update, but we did say it was planned. I see someone posted the screenshot above.



Soon ™

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Hi @magazine2, the Community Manager, any idea when the emojis from the previous forum will come here? Or is that something that doesn’t concern you? Or is it too soon to say?

Hi. Too soon to say at this point.

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F-5 says hello : )

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But I believe gaijin would retrofitted AN/ALE-40 countermeasure system on F-15A (USAF)

Well, be prepared to hug the ground. :))))

Ok so I think the next update will be more focused on ground (simply because the previous one was about air and naval and September updates are generally ground updates).
Maybe it will be a new sub-nation (thanks @Deathmisser) tree (like South Africa in the British tree): Romania in Italian tree?
I remember a Q&A in February mentionning new light tanks for Britain, maybe we’ll see them.
Probably a standard VBCI for France as well.
French navy will probably receive at least one standard ship (to fill the gap between 5.3 and 6.3?) and maybe a rank IV premium will be added.
For air and naval, I think it will be more about filling the gaps than adding top vehicles.
Maybe new helis??


A sub tree before a new nation I doubt it

Should I edit it and therefore make your post irrelevant?

This should be done through PM with Smin probably, not really a topic for here mate.

Lol the F16 came before the F15A, the Mirag20005F came before the F15A, the J8F came before the F15A. The Viggen Mod D came before the F15A. The Yak 141 came before the F15A

All these aircraft sport technologies beyond what the F15A is capable above and were developed after the analog F15A.

However, the F15 a has higher strategic role better than all the mentioned fighters in game and would cause a serious imbalance over minor nations. That is why minor nations tend to get newer aircraft first.

the only things that could cause a imbalance with the F-15A, is the flight performance
you can think of a MiG-29 but even better
Armament would be 4x Sparrow and 4x Sidewinder (or 6x and 2x)

Don’t get me wrong I would love to see the Eurofighter in game…eventually. But I would rather see it a lot later down the line, than sooner in a severely gimped form to get it in line with the F-15A.

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Hey. This does not really have any relation to this topic at all and from what I can see, you have not posted this in any other topic. So I’m not sure which topics are being closed on this.

The devs are indeed investigating some of the reports we have had about Realshatter sent through from content creators that show suspicious behaviours. This report was more of a suggestion for an overall damage increase, on the basis of a single photograph and some modified testing. As such, its not considered a bug.

Investigations into the effects of realshatter are however ongoing. Feel free to send PMs about bug reports or any issues with them, but this topic is not the place to do it.


Thank God you guys are at least looking into it. Maybe soon I can stop buying new keyboards because I keep smashing them up from my Japanese model 99 20mm cannons doing literally no damage to wings. Exciting times.

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Get a custom one made from tungsten carbide ez fix

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I can buy a new keyboard but I can’t afford a new hand, my friend.