Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

They never said anything about changing rank VIII SL and RP cost, which is why its so braindead to even be suprised about it not happening.

Which is why I said at the end of the post that I’m against the K2NO ever being added regardless, nothing can really change my mind on that one.

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yea because reducing the absolutely insane grind to half the amount would make it free for everyone. Right.

Just a thing to consider, germany got a reduction of around 2.3 million rp right. Thats 5-6 top tier additions until we are once again at this point. In 12 to 18 months the grind will again be at the point where its right now. For smaller and bigger trees with more additions to come (Japan, Usa, Ussr, China) that point will be reached in 6 to 12 months.

3 more hours before we can completely discount the teaser today.

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Teaser can still drop

Quite late in GMT though

Better late than not ^^

That is true

Yeah but some of them have dropped as late as 19:40 GMT, it’s only 17:35 now so there’s like 2 more hours before it’s confirmed not coming today.

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Well then there is hope.

Teaser was soft-denied for today, so I doubt it.
Would be neat to have an entire week of teaser speculation until the dev stream & server tho.

was that teaser or trailer?

Teaser, Mike soft-denied it in stream.

Wait, isn’t it 18:36 in GMT right now?

It is 18:37 BST my friend, that is GMT + 1

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My friend it’s BST not GMT : D

I fogor, Germany has Daylight saving time so it +2 and not +1.

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whats is BST?

British Summer Time


It’s close to 2:00 am here. I hope the teaser do come today.