Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The boxer sph, multiple m109 variants (one even had the gun of the pz2000) and gdr sphs are missing for germany


hmm not sure, while shogun heavily hints towards sth japanese, it just doesnt fit for a premium preorder to add gajin to it

yes then the Roadmap thing came

Gaijin Shogun is what they called MacArthur iirc. That could have something to do with it.

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that could be yes, but moders have not confirmed anything so… we’ll see

yeah that could totally be it, gaijin just means like foreigner or something right?


Maybe we get the teaser tomorrow but probably next week thrursday. Atleast my guess

so the big thing was the announcement that they are gonna reduce top tier cost by 20k rp? Lmao


I remember someone posted the list on the Italian discord where M109A3 was listed under Italian flag.



it might not make a huge difference if you’re already at top tier but it makes getting to top tier a hell of a lot quicker for new players, that is something to celebrate I think.


No teaser nor Dev stream, my disappointment is immesurable and my day is ruined, well at least i took the days off next week… Also there are SO many SPH/SPGs that germany could get.


i wish i were that lucky - i won’t be able to watch the dev stream next friday till after work :/

How much faster ? Great now you only need 400 hours of mindlessly grinding air rb instead of 500? How are you calling this a alot quicker. Its still more time than most story games. And this is only 1 air tree for one nation.

A true change would have been a reduction to half or even 1/3 of current requirements.

maybe its because i actually think about the implication and relaize that even cutting the grind in half, which they didnt, would result in over 1k hours to research even the big tree air trees. Not to mention spading and actually enjoying your vehicles.

Casually forgetting the only reason Mi-28A was selected for the premium was cause there were no other options.
There’s 2x Strv 122s and a 2A6 so K2 isn’t necessary.

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I mean they could give it all away for free but then how are they paying staff, or for the servers the game runs on?

They need the grind to incentivize people to pay for premium time and aircraft otherwise the company would go bust and the game would shut down.

It does no one any good to complain about a good change in a free to play game

Yeah boi! This RP and SL decreases are very welcome.

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non credible list

missing PvKv IV and Block 50


So is this one but everything else on it has been right.