Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Teaser day

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at this point im simping as hard as the guys waiting for the centuries fighters for F117 B1 B2 and somewhen B21.

The only problems with the Falcon would be longer spool-up time, and no proxy fuse, so you’d need to score a direct hit.

goooooood morning Forum

Anything new regarding the teaser?

They were denied for this update by Smin

which is a good thing imo

im expecting them either in a Micro update or as part of the December update

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They seem unlikely in the current state of the game, maybe the F-117 comes as an event vehicle but with no gun, only 2 internal bombs and the fact that they’d have to implement stealth, it’s probably a long way down the priority list.

The B-1 and B-2 instead suffer from a different issue, that being the lack of support for high BR bombers, currently there is now way for them to even be usable as in both ground and air battles they’d be shot out of the sky before they could reasonably do anything.

I hope that future changes to the game make these vehicles more viable as they are all iconic aircraft but until that happens they’d just be wasted.

First of foremost can we get a day at least with out,

A. petty arguments.
B. 3K missile talk.
C. Put illegal manual covers on here. (Even though they are on the internet they are still illegal)

I don’t see that happening somehow

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Oh no If that SMT gets released to day it’s will be round 2

Govdleg yet?

Not time yet

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Why would you not decide on the block number before proudly announcing the block number and then backtracking on it?


You’d think it’d just cancel out all the USA bias talk from yesterday but I bet we just end up with Russia bias today instead.

Personally I’m just happy Israel might be getting top tier BVR again.

A british light tank suggested to developers?? Good heavens. Cant wait to see it in the update 7 years from now lmao

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Because the mentally ill F-16 mob was having a hissy fit

Because the whole thing is ridiculous.

All because the Block 50 might not be able to use AIM-7s, even though it probably could

i know, i know, its just that sometimes i want to put aside the competition and just fly something pretty because i like it. Its tre, the current modes of the game just support multiroles and fighters (but mainly fighters) and serves in no way strategical thinking (once you lose all bases you should lose for example). making a mode based on bases, on finding and highlighting them for the team, and destroying specifical strategical objects would serve rekons, bombers, multiroles and fighters, but this is just a offtopic rant, im sorry