Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

lol War Thunder is a simulator, and why would governments ban War Thunder forums?
Being clunky doesn’t make you a simulator.

I hate the oppression of Germany on the top dash and not only. It just goes over the top. They always do something for Germany at the last moment, not for 1 dev server, but for 2 or 3 (if there was one). It always happens that way. Bulatnikov on the Russian channel always likes to ignore Germany and throw it all on a foreign stream from the dev server. I HATE THIS ATTITUDE TOWARDS THE COUNTRY!!!


Only our army really. Air force is far closer with the US and the navy is our golden child.

Thing is our government never really gave a shit about the army, so integrating it with Germany is just easy.

Either MiG-29K iz. 9.31 or MiG-29M iz. 9.15. Both have roughly similar abilities. I think they would be more suitable than SMT.

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Bro DCS and Il-2 are hardcore simulators.

War thunder isn’t a simulator nor an arcade game

Isn’t the SMT basically just a 9.13 that was upgraded to MiG-29M standards though?

The MiG29k is basically an heavier MiG29m, that could work too… my fear is that with the SMT, being in the middle of the S and M in terms of capabilities (although newer than both) is going to mean we won’t see either the S or the M until they are no longer relevant

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DCS didn’t have correct atmospheric density until this year. Its landing physics & flight models were sub-par until last year. Mig-29 in DCS could pull 16Gs before the 2022 update.
Just cause something is a simulator doesn’t mean it’s always accurate.
Steel Beasts has inaccurate suspension mechanics, doesn’t mean it’s not a simulator.

true, still feel like benelux has the least reason as a stand alone tree, i prefer new nations being added to current ones as a new page, peope could build their line ups with the support of a whole already existing tech tree. And we wont have the dilema of no top tier spaas, missing light tanks etc. And top tier is copy paste only in the first place

Heavier and with less fuel so yes. MiG-29M would be better.

No. Its not. MiG-29SMT/9.19 :: Ruslet

I guess may change to F-16CG Block 40 and fitted with General Electric F110-GE-100 engine like F-16C Block 30 but not General Electric F110-GE-129 engine from F-16C Block 50

F-15E 90’s coming to next year ? maybe

I guess F-14D place under F-14B & F/A-18A but don’t know gajin consider december this year ?

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Imo it’s best to leave these nations be entirely for the time being, as they have such a mix of vehicles that it will only bring drama. They can always be represented by skins for existing vehicles. (or, you know, adding the modern dutch airforce roundel to the game (hint hint Gaijin)).

Exception is maybe the dutch pre-war and ww2 navy, which could still make a decent little tree.

But I agree that things like warsaw pact, united korea etc have far bigger potential for a standalone tree for air and ground. And should be prioritized.

29smt is an affordable M you know(if i remember correctly)

SMT is like M and K but u like them it got produced

god keep quiet

you get a 5th jet why shouldnt we get a new toy? remove ers from the 9.13 for all i could care, america is the last tree that needs a new jet

Yes, I as a German are very mad about all this oppression and intolerance coming from Gaijin. This whole treatment may better change soon.

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one reason why i would love the addition of netherland to germany as well, is the potential of the Apache, now with germanys giving up helicopter development i see very black for the helicopter tree. Of course there is the H145M, but it just isnt the same, an militarized Civilian Helicopter is just mehh. Even with access to spike er, i dont see them doing it anytime soon, 16km fire and forget missles, doesnt seem balanced one bit currently


It has some of the most important upgrades but, since supposed to be cheaper, not all, or better said, not to the full extent. The MiG29M had 8 pylons, while the SMT has 7 (one extra ventral pylon). The MiG29SMT lacks the Rd33k engines and especially the enlarged intakes that help a lot with low speed thrust (the MiG29A loses a lot of thrust at low speed because the intakes are too small for the engines). The SMT also does not have the improved wings of the M. The only important thing that is exactly equal is the radar, both have the Zhuk (the yak141 radar).

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F-2A since the F16C B50 is coming?