Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ah a mod is typing you lot are gonna get a slap

mods are here to shut the fun down

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It’s mainly the fact they already know this and agree to this but for some odd reason ego perhaps they are gonna do it anyway. I just don’t get why they do it

Probably to defeat Russian bias.

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Tbh even just teasing like that with the cover should get them a month T ban here.

Why would the F-15 get AMRAAMs first, there is nothing to indicate that at all and actually the addition of the Block 50 suggests that Gaijin is already laying the groundwork for AMRAAMs and the Block 50 will likely get them, also the F-15 can carry 8 A2A missiles while the F-16C can only carry 6, and the F-16 gets A2G armament that the F-15C likely wouldn’t, they’re very different aircraft when it comes down to it

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Uhhh I honestly have no clue

Funny thing: all F-15s were capable of using the GBU-8/15 HOBOS, and were also capable if fitting unguided bombs.

No rockets or AGMs, though

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I personally have spent several years now waiting for bug fixes with more interest in each update than for new vehicles.

These manuals on the F-16 would not have made the weather for me, I would be glad to find a manual on F4F ICE for myself. I haven’t seen their cockpit and ILS yet, but they say it hasn’t changed. I’M WAITING FOR F4F ICE in this patch!

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Teaser tomorrow pls

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New Leopards for Germany please :/


I know where they are but I also know that first of all none of us here can get them and I won’t allow them being published

I’d be surprised if they’re declassified even tho the aircraft has been out of service for 10 years now

Somehow Gaijin jumped with the F-16C Block 50 and with the MiG-29SMT. At this rate, we’ll be soon on MiG-35. Gaijin should hurry up and start adding Sukhoi interceptors (Su-9/11/15T/15TM) so we have a path to the Su-27.

Imho it should be changed to a block 30. It has basically everything the block50 would have if introduced like this, there’s no discussion about sparrows and is also a little lighter


Gaijin is helping us learn the alphabet,

F-14(A)/F-16(A) → F-14(B) → F-16(C)

Christmas will give us a F-14(D)
Next year will give us a F-15(E) :)


my bet is on tmw being the dev blog for the mig 29smt, would be to nice of them to release a dev blog of a nation that didnt have one yet, if we see the Leo PSO it is either in the teaser, or suprise release of the mayor update


Also MiG-29 iz. 9.19 (if the leak is true, which is highly probable) should be changed to MiG-29K iz. 9.31. It’s better than placing an SMT which is useless because it won’t carry modern weaponry anyway in this moment.

I hope they don’t add the SMT but instead the normal 9-13s if the number of radar missiles is the problem and, if the better radar and more powerful engine are also too strong for the current mig29, they could add the MiG29M, which had the USSR not collapsed would have been to the MiG29A what the F16C is to the F16A.

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