Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, if we could get the AIM-7P-2 with the data link so our missiles don’t explode if we lose lock for a second that would be perfect.


Well… that means it wasn’t tested by Gaijin since it lacks a proper FM and basically everything other than the 3D model.

Also idk if you realize but R-73’s IR/ECCM isn’t the same as AIM-9M’s IR/ECCM so mixing up flight models and stats from other missiles won’t make you an AIM-9M but a cheap placeholder of a missile.

Here, i changed only 5 values and now magically this missile has ECCM, uses the aim9m model and pulls 38Gs.

How do i know that Aim9Ms pull 38Gs? Well i could tell you but then there would be another TheEuropeanCanadian Video about secret data leaks.


No one asked man.

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In what world is an F-15C more maneuverable than an F-2? From my understanding the F-15C will perform a similar role to the F-14B currently. Fly in and lob a bunch of Fox 3s from distance then either re-arm or join the furball and hope to 3rd party someone.

AFAIK, AESA doesn’t matter in gameplay, until we have AESA Fox 3s because aircraft radar will only help in situational awareness (which the F-16C probably will have TWS) with TWS. To my knowledge, a 7M will get notched just the same regardless of the guiding aircrafts radar, AESA or not.

As mentioned above, with context of F-16, is the F-16 just not flat out more agile than the F-15?

Of course.

The point I was making is that the F-2 airframe is now similar enough in performance now to contemporaries now that the F-16C is included that there is no argument anymore for F-2 being too powerful.

My point still stands tho:
“[…] mixing up flight models and stats from other missiles won’t make you an AIM-9M but a cheap placeholder of a missile.”

Ah of course

Yeah I guess we could get the XF-2 for now.

You did.

The Netherlands and Belgium should have their own TT (Benelux).
Switzerland could be independent or a French branch (France lacks options here)
Hungary could form a competitive bloc with some Eastern European countries, or be an Italian branch.

Please let’s not start with the imperialist arguments to implement national subtrees or they will all end up in Italy.

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Don’t do a stupid thing

uh oh

It takes alot more i am on IT studies its not a 3 min work

F-15s won’t have Fox 3s for another few BRs. No one said F-15C is more maneuverable than F-2, but it’s far more maneuverable than F-14B weighing 8 tons less while producing over 2000kgf more.
AESA SARHs are more potent as well, as SARHs look for radar returns which AESA is better at.

They shouldn’t have the audacity to put up 70$ premiums when they can’t solve such a task then

Aim-9M is not an R-73.

Except it lacks aoa calculatiom its real ECCM fov and all the other stuff you have no clue how to do gj you made a fucking shit

Teaser tomorrow?


yes, i know it has “some unique” vehicles, but i dont think benelux has enough existence reason to be a stand alone tree, there are many tree that are way more propable like poland, korea, even that one yugoslavia tech tree.

But by the time and speed tech trees release benelux realy is the least intesting ones out of those, besides that the new heli research mechanic would allow for new pages of countrys to be researched while not having the problem of lacking vehciles like israel and japan have.

Currently as it stands netherlands has very close ties with germany and their military force is nearly completly merged and fits the best there. You guys want way to many stand alone trees that will have problems through their tech trees cause of missing vehicles, the best thing is adding new countries as second pages to current nations


You really didn’t i very specifically said

then we had the whole

I never asked about how you would go about making an AIM-9M at any point, you just can’t read