Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

That’s just a model lol. Just because it’s in the files doesn’t mean it was ever tested.

Dev-blog doesn’t mean a thing. It’s more like a teaser for the vehicle. Everything is subject to change until patch drops (as it always been), so just wait for the dev-server and get mad there.

Who are “we”? I’ve only seen you suggesting that. Personally I’d wait for that damn dev-server first before making assumptions and suggesting balance decisions.

And you know what is the difference between Aim-9Ls and Aim-9Ms? 32Gs irl L version vs 38Gs on M version and ECCM. We have missiles with both of those already in game. R73 for example.

They wouldn’t make model for something they don’t want in their game, would they? :P

just because they were found in a datamine doesnt mean they were tested buddy, they have to be rigged, modelled and coded into the game, just because you saw a file reading “aim9m” doesnt mean it exisfs


The model has been in the files for a long time. I guess they wanted to keep it as a backup for if the AH-1Z was underperforming against air.

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dude just chill out, the R-73 is only on an SU-25 right now, when it comes to the MiG-29 then we can talk AIM-9M ok?


Coding? All you need to do is copy Aim-9L txt file, change G limit from 30 to 38, and copy paste ECCM from R73. After that you need to change L to M in line that determines model used by the missile.
Whole coding. 3 minutes of work.

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What makes you think Germany gets anything? Usually they only get stuff when it is obsolete by at least half a year.


Care to elaborate or did we just wake up feeling belligerent today?


Ultimately, for Air RB, it seems like it will be the same, nothing new or really better.

Same flight performance (including the G-limiter so far exclusive to F-16s ingame) and weaponry as ADF.


Probably just a US main doing nation main things.


Guess he should become a coder…

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I think the idea is to lay down the groundwork for the AMRAAM, the F-16A ADF has it’s own place and at least for the USA should stay sparrow only, that means a new F-16 is needed for the AMRAAM, now we have it, when the Fox 3 patch comes out instead of having to grind a whole new aircraft to get a good fox 3 we can just research the modification on the F-16C we already have in our tree.

It would help if Gaijin explained that themselves but if I’m right then what Gaijin is doing is pretty reasonable.

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if it was that easy r73 wouldnt take 6 months to make

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I do care to elaborate. Now i will show you how to “code” aim 9 ms into the game.
Propably making funny video about it will be longer than actually making it so maybe i will post screenshots. Okay?

Where did you get these values from? I get that there are sources for AIM-9L to pull 32G but AIM-9M is literally the same airframe with different engine and seeker. Why would it pull 6G more?

This is alot like the J-8F moment

Maybe! It wouldn’t be the first time a plane or vehicle in general is introduced barebones only to have its actual capabilities implemented further ahead in time.

I just wish F-16C could at least get AIM-7P; AIM-7F doesn’t really feel line a proper R-27ER counterpart.


It doesn’t matter how easy it may or may not be to code the thing, there is no need for it at this exact moment in time. The R-73 isn’t even working properly yet, we could still see them both in the October or December patch so let’s just have a little patience ok?

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