Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

it seems to me they’ll pull a Tornado on it and add it when it’s long outclassed

just saying they never said there it will be a seperate stand alone tree xD

would prefer getting dutch f16s then, they are a newer block number

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Denmark, like Switzerland, can easily be a downwind of Germany, as well as Austria. Hungary - (The Agreement between Germany and Hungary “On Friendship and Cooperation in Europe”, concluded on February 6, 1992, is the basis of today’s bilateral relations)

I think that Italy has the rights to Hungary’s equipment until the end of World War 2. After 1992, all the equipment should be in Germany in the pumping branch. Because right now Hungary has all the armed forces consist of equipment purchased from Germany. Leopard 2A4, 2A7HU, PzH-2000, purchase and construction of factories for the production of KF-41, purchase of 2A8 is already planned as soon as it goes into production. Germany would especially like a Hungarian JAS-39 before after the F4F ICE, but before the EF-2000.

Although even at the expense of the 2nd world, everything is debatable. I would not mind giving Italy only unique Hungarian planes and tanks.

On April 11, 1941, Hungarian troops occupied a number of regions of northern Yugoslavia. Thus, Hungary regained part of its territories lost in 1918 - 1920, but became completely dependent on German support. The Hungarian army met almost no resistance from the Yugoslav troops (except for the April 8 raid by Yugoslav aviation on German military bases in Hungary) and occupied the main city of the Yugoslav left bank of the Danube, Novi Sad., where mass Jewish pogroms took place.

1944, Budapest:

In total, the Hungarians were a puppet of Germany from 1941-45

Although still a lot of Hungarian equipment was made under German leadership. So I’ll probably take her too.

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True though from Italy every nation we got was from premiums and sub trees ect already in game.

Italy from Germany.
France from Britain.
Sweden from Britain.
Israel from Britain, France & US.

And the next highest would be Poland.

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IMO I think we should just keep the F-16 as C Bkl50 and just wait for AMRAAMS, I cant find any proof of the Blk50 Not being able to use Sparrows.

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By that same token, we don’t need an F-16C, US has F-14B and F-16A/ADF.

I think it’s okay to get multiple meta planes, provided other nations are getting theirs too. But just like @Fireraid233 said, I doubt we’d see F-15J as that’d mean we’d see a F-15C for US as well and that’s two top tier planes for US in one patch.

For Japan, I’d imagine the XF-2 makes the most sense so they can maybe play around with the details more, but whether that’s this update or a future one is anyone’s guess.

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Switzerland chose F-35.

Looking at it now I don’t expect any new changes with top tier Japan they are hesitant to add XF-2A or early F-2. Instead maybe a few new upgrades to the EJ Kai such as AAM-3, AIM-7M (doesn’t matter too much), Maaaybe MAWS since it was tested on a Kai.

That mean gajin might consider F-16C change Block number from F-16C Block 50 to F-16CG Block 40 ?

You guess gajin might consider F-16C change Block number from F-16C Block 50 to F-16CG Block 40 this quarter ?

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F-16C we’re getting is identical to F-16ADF for the time being.
F-14B isn’t meta IMO, it’s great, but the other aircraft are better.
XF-2 is too powerful for the game currently.
And F-16C wouldn’t be top, F-15 would be, unless they over-BR F-16C or give it more powerful weapons.

Except for all the A2G ordinance it’s carrying, it’s a effectively an ADF with even better CAS than the F-16A or F-14B, also it has a different engine and is overall slightly heavier.

I think it will be top. The dev blog states this

“The F-16C Block 50 will come to War Thunder in the next major update as a new flagship jet fighter at the top of the US fighter jet line.”


This does not mean that EJ Kai will be given these missiles. Otherwise, we should have F4F ICE with Aim-120A/B and IRIS-T

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I cant speak much for the ICE but im pretty sure the Kai with AAM-3 and 7Ms is no where near comparable to one with AMRAAMS and IRIS-T.

Why would F-15 be top? It’s a missile boat like the F-14 and not as agile as an F-16.

Why would an XF-2 be too powerful? It’s based off an F-16C Block 40 so should have similar flight performance to the upcoming F-16C, albeit trading some speed for some maneuverability.

Before it as argued the flight performance was too strong with a Block 40 vs Block 15 at the time. Now it’ll be similar. The radar doesn’t even matter if it’s still using sparrows and it can use 9Ls which we already have in the game.

Also @Fireraid233 (Idk how multi-quotes work with new forum), I don’t expect anything but I also don’t discount the possibilities of skipping the XF-2A and going straight to an F-2 with 9L/7M or 9L only.


F-15C is extremely agile with a TWR of 1.6:1 & serious wing-loading.
XF-2 is a missile bus with an AESA radar, it’s F-16C Block 60 equivalent, which isn’t in the game yet and the Block 60 still has two less missiles.
And the host radar does matter. On top of the 12G-load limit F-2 has over F-16.

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The F-15 would likely be a little better for a few reasons, for one it carries more missiles than the F-16 which always helps, it also has a better radar which again is a small help but primarily it will likely have a better flight model for war thunder specifically, being able to pull higher instant AoA in the real world isn’t super important but for war thunder it will be, and the F-15 is still an agile aircraft, it was designed as a dogfighter after all.

It’s a missile bus with tons of thrust and highly powerful radar

Based on =/= equal

First of all - aim 9m were tested by your team on one of the dev servers before, as we found those missiles in datamines. I saw them personally, gszabi propably can confirm.
Second of all - changing the Block now as you specifically mentioned in ALL translation on your website is making us dissapointed SECOND TIME TODAY.
What we are suggesting to do now is to add Aim-9M on the first dev server, code Amraams as fast as possible (You have ARH missiles already so… Only physics calculations need to be done, after copy paste of either R27ER or Phoenix missile logic).

We know that you won’t add WAR HUD, Shrikes, Harms, Harpoons, Mavericks E/F/G, JDAMs, JSOWs, Cluster munitions, EGBU-27, WCMD, sidewinder X, jammers or JHMCS helmet. All we need now to fix this situation is to leave it like it is and then proceed to actively add what it should have.
We know that we will receive CAStrate. Just don’t make it worse than it already is.

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