Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ah that’s fair. Thanks for the answer!

That would mean F-15s for U.S and Israel. I doubt (tho possible) the U.S is getting a second gen 4 this patch. I highly doubt the F-15J will be added without U.S and Israel getting it too.

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I think the suggestion I wrote above should be very feasible, just remove the AIM-7, we can wait for the opportunity, when the time comes, then give us AMRAAM, for the time being, we can treat the Block50 as an upgraded version of 16A haha :D

or they could simply change the 50 to a 40 and keep pretty much everything else the same

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Apart from the T-90, there any other surprises for the British in this update?

@Smin1080p If the Danish sells it’s F-16 to Argentina would that give the option for Germany to have F-16 ?

Since Argentina is basically a sub tree at this point.


There is no need, it is too troublesome, we already have the ADF, if modifying the model is too troublesome, and too homogeneous, removing the AIM-7 is the most convenient way

Eh, I’m waiting for Switzerland from Germany and its F/A 18(D/C) and I’m also waiting for Swiss citizens to choose a Rafale or a Eurofighter or a Grippen. From this choice, it will be decided which plane to the Eurofighter Germany will have in the research branch.


Currently great britain lack Multirole Combat Aircraft and lack aircraft 12.0

I don’t know in the future gajin consider new aircraft under F-4K Phantom FG.1 and F-4M Phantom FGR.2 at rank 8

F-16C Block 25 limited guided Air-to-Ground armament AGM-65B & AGM-65D Maverick, unguided rocket and bomb but not be able laser guided bomb, anti-radiation missile and targeting pod

F-16C Block 30 Barak I never mounted AIM-7M sparrow, equipped new targeting pod better pave track but Air-to-Ground armament like Kurnass 2000

F-16I Sufa carry GPS guided bomb, early stand off Air-to-Ground munitions and LANTERN AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod but not sure that equipped Rafael Litening ER or Litening III or Litening G4 targeting pod ? and for medium-range Air-to-Air Missile AIM-120B but not be able SARH AIM-7M

Smin confirmed there wouldn’t be any new Swiss aircraft anytime soon.
As the Hunter was a one off iirc.

with a very big part of copium , maybe a polish f16c for germany

As much it’s not going to fulfill British air I smell sea harrier FRS2

Nah they are thinking of a independent Polish tree for more than a year now

like i said, with a lot of copium

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but removing the AIM-7 kills pretty much all hope of an Israeli BVR platform as the F-15 is almost definitely not coming, add to that they are likely to add the MiG-29SMT to this patch as well and it needs a US counterpart that is worth playing.


Tag for anyone else who’s interested.

"Is there anything else you would like to say to IGN Polska readers?

We know that many Polish players are asking for a separate Polish technology tree. While we can’t confirm any specific plans, let’s just say we’re committed to finding a way to add all the important military vehicles that actually existed. As you can see, we found solutions for South Africa and Israel, so there may be a solution for Poland too."

Posted on March 29, 2022 13:23

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Look closely, did I mention the F-16I?

Aye aye lol

if it doesn’t arrive this Major Update it’ll be DOA


and it doesn’t look good for it currently

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