Meet Major Update “La Royale”!

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The beginning of the Closed Beta Test for the French Naval forces, new and updated graphical effects for flares, afterburners, rockets and missiles along with new hit marks on ground vehicles. More than 50 new or updated vehicles. Amongst them 14 new ships for the French Navy! But sailors are not the only ones to find something for themselves here! The Mighty F-14B, three different Sukhoi jets, the unusual M1 KVT tank or the first tank from India in WT - Vijayanta! Two new locations, fortifications mechanics, new weapons for aircraft and much more awaits you in La Royale update!

New mechanics and graphical updates

Something nice for everyone! New fortification mechanics for naval maps, new flare effects, new flight effects for rockets and missiles and updated flight physics for most anti-aircraft and anti-tank missiles. More realistic hit marks from high-explosive shells, functional radiators for armoured vehicles and wire-guided ATGMs trailing a visible wire behind them!


A dozen aircraft, from the new reserve machine - the BF2C-1 biplane to the F-14B - a new top-tier naval jet for the American tech tree. Along with it will come the Su-25T and Su-39, J8F and Mirage 2000 5F. We haven't forgotten about older machines either. Wirraway has undergone a full facelift and received a new 3d model.



  • Su-22M4

Great Britain

  • Wirraway - (updated model)




  • Tornado ADV


  • Mirage 2000 5F
  • Lancaster MR.7
  • PBY-5A Late (premium)


  • AJS37

Ground vehicles

18 new vehicles, among them the eye-catching German Raketenautomat, the Israeli Magach Hydra and a 155mm Au F.1 SPG from France! It is also impossible to ignore the early WWII Pz.38(t) n.A. or a US Cold War vision of the Soviet MBT - M1 KVT!




  • Type 87 RCV (P)


Great Britain



  • ZTZ88B
  • Object 211





6 machines received a brand new cockpit, and the Ka-50 and Ka-52 have been upgraded with a crew ejection animation.


  • AH-1G — (updated cockpit)


  • BO 105 CB-2 — (updated cockpit)


  • Kа-50, Kа-52 (crew ejection animation has been added)


  • AH-1S Early — (model has been replaced by the AH-1E model)


  • HKP9A — (updated cockpit)
  • HKP9A (FC) — (updated cockpit)


  • Tzefa A — (updated cockpit)
  • Tzefa B — (updated cockpit)

Naval Fleet

The 14 new ships will give the start of the French Navy's closed beta tests. On top of that, the following ships will be coming to the game: German Z-46, Soviet Braviy, British HMS Daring and Japanese Ise!


Closed Beta Testing of the French Navy has begun


  • Z-46


Great Britain

  • HMS Daring


  • IJN Ise

New locations and missions

Download the update and join the battle!


Players with Premium Accounts have been given an extra 12 hours of premium time!


Where Spike on PUMA?


On Franz Josef Land map, could the ai bases made to be lockable by ships? At the moment it’s a bit finicky to fire at them, best to bomb them with planes, but a shore bombardment with ships wouldn’t seem unrealistic in my opinion.

Any dev able to explain why the Tornado F3 has an SB rating of 11.7 but the Tornado ADV just added, which as far as I am aware, is identical in all respects. has an SB rating of 11.3?

why cant we still transfer our ps account to pc anymore

When can we expect the “La Royale” premium vehicles in the PSN store?

Undoubtedly cool toys but where was game stability left? It’s almost impossible to play 1 battle without the game crashing, which makes the experience less than enjoyable. It was talked about in the old forum, but I have no idea what to do in this new forum.

They are allready

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Thermals are screwed up again, and still are since last week. Everything is gray, very little highlights. Cannot see a thing, once again. Did a bug report already, nothing’s happened. I would think thermals would be a top priority especially for top tier players. But we have to continue playing without it. At least some of us because some people seem to be doing just fine on the enemy side. Anyone else play USA and have thermals problem now? I guess people were complaining that it was too bright white after they screwed it up in March after they tried to fix it from being gray back then, so now instead of bright white we once again have the gray which is the same color as the background. So to all you who complained of the white not being detailed enough, thanks a freaking lot. You caused them to ruin thermals again. Brilliant

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Map changes to Fields of Poland - winter.

Please revert the changes made, where you removed all of the trees around the map. There is zero cover now nor no way to really flank. It was fine like it has been, tress all around and more than just the option of everybody running to the city only and no surprises.

Maybe some players requested this change, but it’s a terrible idea and ruined this map. Unless I’m wrong and this is only pertaining to one specific form of the Poland map, because I haven’t seen all of the variants since the update yet. If I’m incorrect forgive me for this. But I know the map I did play yesterday was just terrible. The same map as always except no trees and just wide open surrounding the city and snow. Basically everyone just shooting at each other in the wide open. Much better with trees.


As far as I can see they are NOT in the PlayStationStore yet.

You have provided the Tester’s Star so that if one completes 12 of them, we can get access to the French Navy and join the testing. What is odd is that each day ends one half hour AFTER the next day starts. At first I thought that was rather nice when I started a battle before the next started, yet finished it a few minutes after the next day started and before the current one ended. Any surplus in the score went into the next day, very handy not to waste points.
HOWEVER, the next time this happened, it put some of the points to the current ‘day’ but left it short by 67pts. yet put over 300 pts into the next day. I am so infuriated I can not believe what you have done or the inconsistancy and I hereby dump the French Navy and perhaps the game itself as it makes me so dang angry…

You see it?


Hi. They’re on the PlayStation store now (for Xbox players the same)

Please return it to me FPS

The caption under the image of the F-14B reads F-18B, while I think it would have been a better addition for the update, it isn’t accurate, you might want to fix that.

Though its nice to know that new aircraft are being “worked on”.

1 Like

It was fixed


the M1 KVT is available through the App, but not through the game.
This is from Thursday, 22nd at 9pm GMT

Yes, in the App.

Thank you very much!