Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I have dev server prepped since it’s near that time.

Why tf britain gets t90!?!? It doesn’t need it, and gaijin, woth this logic we can get abrams to russia right?

Nope. By the logic of an Indian T-90S, Russia doesn’t get anything cause Russia’s not a tech tree.
And Soviets also get nothing since ex-SSRs don’t produce Abrams



Can You tell me, in terms of what KA-52 is better,than UHT Tiger?

Its missiles actually work on all maps. That alone makes it better.

Source: me, i have the UHT and Ka-50.


Russia is a successor country of the USSR. In game its combined TT of USSR and Russia.
Theoretically we can get captured F-5E. )))))

sure why not, without western Munitions as a Premium I see no peoblem

Hmmm, maybe China could get the SR of Vietnam’s captured F-5s

China have already F-5E.

Maybe with the R-13M1.

What about an F-5 premium? Anyhoo, this is off topic, so who thinks we’ll see another vehicle from the list today?

I hope either gnat today or Alpha jet to prove the list wrong

but to be more realistic I think we’ll see a Boatblog or ground target today and planes will come after the teaser

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na It doesnt loom like they captured launch rails so every kind of missile is off the table

at most they could put alme FAB or Fuel tank on the center pylon

I hope we will see the Mi-8. I’m really looking forward to that helicopter.

you know what armarments it carried?

Depends on what version.

I understand that high-tier planes aren’t coming, but I wonder why lower-tier planes haven’t arrived yet.

where did you get this from

probably meant no Top tier plane blogs before teaser

It’s possible someone got their hands on the list of devblogs for the NMU because there have so far been 6 vehicles that the list got right.