Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

that could be

or this is a list that was sent off to the Devblog writer(s)

although 24 Devblogs is a lot

eh maybe they request more to be made so they can choose wich to publish spontaneously

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theyll probably show a map devblog today as a last boring devblog then release teaser on thursday

or a new mechanic

completely forgot those exist

glad they didnt show a map devblog yet, those should be shown last ngl

Im hoping for a Mechanic, preferably sth like AWACS in AirSIM and on Big AirRB maps or maybe sth like ARMs, more AshMs, Clusterbombs or a blog about just one added piece of ordenance that then also sais that they’ll add a lot more of it’s kind later

maybe fully working Ground Radar for all planes that had it but don’t have it modelled in game

or a revision of Older Radars like the AN/APS 6 of the F6F-5N which IRL could identify larger ships at 35km distance

@EpicBlitzkrieg87 so how many pylons will the smt have?

some images show 3 on each wing, some 4

I found there were 2 versions of SMT and the 9.19 had 4 on each wing

Do you have a source you could post for that just out of curiosity?

M53/59 in SU TT, so technically it’s WP TT, so gib Polish Abrams and K-2 now!


my source is the czech post someone sent here to prove my 9.19 isn’t a Fulcrum theory wrong and the thread about Fulcrum history on the forum

I don’t have the links handy

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They hated him because he spoke the truth

All of them had four hardpoints on each wing. They received the new wing design with the new leading edge dogtooth.

To pin them more down for the people wondering, here’s what they are:

MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-17: version with N019MP Topaz pulse-doppler radar, like the N019M on the MiG-29S (which has higher range and efficiency compared to the standard N019 Rubin we have in-game on the MiG-29A), but upgraded with ground-mapping modes (15 x 15, 24 x 24, 50 x 50 or 77 x 77 km, and with a resolution of 15m) and the capability of tracking 8 targets and engaging two simultaneously with R-77s. It has the grossly bulged spine belonging to the fatback family line of MiG-29s (MiG-29A izdeliye 9-13, MiG-29S izdeliye 9-13S and MiG-29SE izdeliye 9-13SE) but it was even bulgier as it accomodated more fuel.

Primarily an avionics testbed but it did practice its weapons. Those include R-27ER, R-27ET, R-73 RMD-1 and R-77 for air, and guided munitions like smart bombs, anti-ship missiles, ARMs and TV-guided weapons.

MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-17 with the fatter spine.

MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-18: fitted with the N010M Zhuk radar. This is a PESA radar and an upgrade over the N010 of the Yak-141. Other than the new ground mapping modes it is virtually jam-proof and can track 10 targets at once and allow the plane to fire at four. Unlike the izdeliye 9-18, it inherited the smaller spine of the MiG-29A izdeliye 9-12, MiG-29S izdeliye 9-12S, MiG-29SD izdeliye 9-12SD and MiG-29M izdeliye 9-15.

MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-18.

MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-19: the final sub-version and the production model. The N010M Zhuk remained but the arsenal was expanded with the addition of the R-27EA active-homing model of the R-27, the R-77-1 with improved range on the base model (100 km → 140 km max) and an improved seeker with higher lock range (16 km → 25 km). They also added the R-73M and R-74M which maneuver between 50 - 60 G due to the shorter span fins. The R-73M’s off boresight capability is 90 degrees, while the R-74M’s off boresight capability is 120 degrees. All the other A2G and A2S munitions were retained.

The really fat spine made its way back on the production model, and this is currently the standard MiG-29 in Russian service until the MiG-35’s messy test schedule is finally completed and makes its way into full production.

MiG-29SMT izdeliye 9-19 production model of the SMT.


Is there any major improvement to the air to air radar?

If we’re assuming MiG29 9.19 is coming, any idea on why? The MiG-29 is currently the most powerful jet in game. So it can’t be that USSR needs a more competitive fighter?
Perhaps R-77’s and the addition of other aircraft to carry fox-3s?

It’s confusing as to why they’d prioritise USSRs air tree when they’re currently the top dog. Why pad it further?

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he just told you its n010m, better than yak 141s

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so why are there images of it with 3 pylons on each wing? is the last one detachable? is the 3 pylons configuration optimal for russians or?

thanks for the answer btw

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