Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Exactly. This thread is meant exactly for this:

No, not to discuss missiles, not to wishlist and not to fight over which nation suffers more; but to discuss and share information.

Yet people somehow keep coming here every single day and then get mad when they see actual information because “it spoils the fun for them” xD


UFO disclosure will happen via one of these ways:

  • Via Grusch and co. forcing it out of the gov.
  • Self disclosure from the gov.
  • Someone leaks classified docs on the War Thunder forums because they want flying tic tacs in game.

The smaller FoV is easier to trigger this bug, hence “flare rejection/resistance”. // Issues - IR Missile’s seeker is not looking at nozzle

It’s not worse, its simply you have worser airframe and harder to pull off the bugged shot (yes, the random flare rejection is a bug currently), you have to launch missile in a trajectory such that target’s flare dispenser don’t line up with seeker’s FoV properly, that minimizes the time of flare remaining within seeker’s FoV, or sometimes the seeker don’t see the flare at all due to the bug.

L/H/G and P3 (which is an AIM-9J/P no difference in game perf) dont pull 180s do they? Have i missed the last couple of years worth of trhust vectoring Sidewinders?

The IRST in the backround paciently waiting

Very interesting, the smaller FoV should yield increased resistance to CMs as they will either miss it entirely or pass through fast enough that it does not trigger the missiles reistance measures.

more commonwealth vehicle please
Canada and Singapore leopard 2

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Not really the first case, seeker with smaller FoV is still looking at exhaust, since that’s the only thing bright enough to be looked at. With smaller FoV flares tends to exit seeker’s FoV sooner compared to missile with larger FoV, so that flare has less time to exert its effect on the seeker (the second case you mentioned).

This has a draw back, however, if FoV is too small, it will suffer in terminal phase (around 300 meters from target for 4 degrees of FoV) where missile cannot distinguish target movement at all since target’s IR signature is so bright and saturated the seeker (try take a picture at a light using maximum zoom, the light will fill your entire picture, now imagine a missile with even higher zoom).

Imagine you have a black and white picture and you zoom it so large such that a single pixel fills your entire screen.
Now move the picture view port around, you won’t notice any change, thus you can’t determine whether picture had moved based on the change in pixel color alone. This is the problem of missile with small FoV.

If seeker’s FoV is gated to 1.5 degrees, the distance at which missile can no longer distinguish target movement becomes further, and becomes ~800 meters instead.

Agreed, they should be treated equally in game and is not. the Mig29 has instant turn ability as well as too similar of a sustained turn ability and even better at times if the pilot is good enough. Not possible irl against a FBW computer and airframe that was digitally designed completely unstable to maximize immediate pitch and roll.

Hope GJ does something for them next patch!

As for the F16AJ it was the best F16 imo. however, that block 10s performance is highly degraded when it carries sparrows along with the large pylons it comes with which is the main cause of the high-speed compression you speak of. It actually may be historical come to think of it. The original F16’s airframe was never designed with the intention it would carry any radar missiles. It was only after approval of serial production that additional capability was added. That is why you often see placement of AMRAAMs on the wingtips and Aim-9s on the inner pylons. To reduce wing flutter when carrying such missiles and the imbalance they cause.

Hmmm… I am interested now; I will look more into it!


I’m kinda hoping we get too see the MIM-72 devblog tomorrow, otherwise they might show another ship or one of the prop planes like the XP


Mig 29(9.12B) can use R-77 as well

What makes you excited about it? Used Aim 9s. Will have terrible range as an IG AA system. Most things will kill you as CAS before you can even get a lock

Should kinda be like the US version of Strella, so a nice alternative too the stingers, and border to doge

I hope we get the version with FLIR and not the early version…or a modification that adds the FLIR (and the MIM-72G missiles) as like a Tier IV mod.

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Does Taiwan has MIM-72 system?

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Yes. It’s still active*

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@Smin1080p should we expect a dev server this weekend?


Does commonwealth include more SANDF
“specifically more Rooikats?”

if the trailer drops tomorrow (so about 32 hours from now) then we’ll prob have devserver too.