Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

The reason I say that is because as someone who has just unlocked the plane, I sort of see why it is so damn horrible in air RB. It is horrendously expensive to research mods and it just lacks ordnance it should have, such as PL-5 and PL-7, not to mention countermeasures and the ability to carry bombs on the center pylons alongside the targeting pod since the pod only replaces one of the bombs.
You say I’m mad because I think it’s OP, I say it is the exact opposite. The plane is garbage, GARBAGE I tell you

The F-16s FM from the first Devserver was basically what you are talking about. An F-16 with no G-limiter and no compression.


And it made a lot of bug reporters very mad that it could trash the then unfinished Mig-29 model, so knowing Gaijins propensity for nerfing over performing non-russian vehicles they reported it into oblivion.

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Probably one of the last WTM devblogs before their major update ( [Coming Soon] Warsaw Pact Armor! - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free )

Along w/ Naval, this update brings them to the end of their initial Ground vehicle offerings. Whatever comes next for them isn’t visible ingame yet, though unlike Naval they are some not-viewable-ingame tanks icons’ in the game files which will probably compose their upcoming additions


not comprehensive:

Nations not yet ingame there might be a theme, soon. On their website they write plans for the Abrams tank( and MiG-29 ), so they’ll probably be on par w/ what available in WT eventually, if not very soon. Might be worth keeping an eye on their other branches as well as
Naval, they might forge ahead of our developments in those too.

I can’t really agree w/ either of these judgements, even w/o entering the '20 's in battleship launch dates we’ve seen several noticeable shifts in power w/in the timeframe we have.
And if you’ll reread WTM 's devblog you’ll find sections for a ship which is incremental improvements over their current top ship, and a 406mm-armed ship for them to compete w/ the last BB 's other nations have available to add - not every nation has even the incomplete hulk to claim something like that.

imo the reason is content deployment: w/ five or fewer battleship classes left to add for most nations which can receive such ships, progress is slowing until they’re ready to commit on another ship type to focus on - we’ve seen evidence of developments to several which could fit that. Once we start seeing these later BB 's added, that 's the end of them - there 's just none which can follow.

The release date rewards here in WT, not just WTM.

indeed they are

R-73 with irccm 9l level and not final FM

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R-73 is currently not on a fighter, which holds it back. Accusing others of being “misleading” when omitting the fact that R-73 is on an 800kph box. On top of that, current information is inconclusive right now. We shall see over time what happens.
No one is masquerading as anything.
Mig-29s share identical radars currently, and they’re still equivalent to F-16.
BVMs I come across are fireworks displays, same as Arietes, cause I aim for ammo.

Also congrats, I read/heard the word “savant” for the first time in a decade because of your argumentative false accusation.
No one here is a savant, nor portraying themselves as such.

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If you checked the datamines you would know better than to say that.

The FM will be getting a guidance logic update. Even without, it is still absolutely the most capable IR-AAM.

here we are bias-boy again.
Can You tell me, in terms of what KA-52 is better,than UHT Tiger? in terms of killing tanks? it’s not. Tiger is way stronger vs SKILLED team with SKILLED AA players. Any top tier AA totally counters KA-50\52. Tiger is able to fire and forget its missiles.
According to stats 1st and 2nd best tanks in the game are STRV 122B PLSS and STRV 122A. Live with it now.
BMP 2M is slow as hell because its gearbox has only 5 speeds. Plus, gun depression is terrible. I’d like to see how u’ll use missiles on the move xD As I said - 2s25m is far better.
German mig-29 has literally the same radar. And it’s lighter.

Pantsir ,yes, on pair with TOR is the best AA, but, could You remember how much time ITO-90 had the crown of being best AA in the game? And the difference between ITO-90m and ADATS\ Tunguska was waaaay bigger than currently between ITO-90m and Pantsir.

R-73 isn’t even properly set in the game it has worse flare resistance than current aim-9L.


Yes in datamines he have best irccm stats
But in game in game he also 1 flare missile


This isn’t known. There are no tests as of current.

we tested it with my friends. R-73 acts like any other missile on the game - sometimes it ignores flares, but same is fair even for r-60(m). nothing special about it :)

There have been many tests, youtube has several.
You can flare 9Ls with AB on, the R-73 is not the same. Arguing against datamines is a cognitive denial of reality, those are the hard coded figures which determine in game performance.


Seriously the same 5 or so people have been going on about the same 2-3 topics for almost 2 weeks and more than 5000 responses, go to DMs with it and get a room already or just shut up my god.


I want to test at over 3km. As 2.4 is Python 3’s flares are useless range against an afterburning engine of F-16 [while turning].

  • More pylons with a wider and more capable distribution of armaments, a gun, Radar , excellent handling, and Vikyhrs track through smoke due to their quidance method, you also have 12 of them. PARS 3 are not one shot missiles and will self detonate at any smoke of obstruction. The UHT is fine, but it is far from the best, both offensively and defensively it is lightly armed.

  • 2S25M is a light tank, not an IFV. Best light tank in game is either the CV90120 or HSTV-L depending on playstyle.

  • BMP-2M is very mobile, with a higher top speed than the Bradley, if you cant work around the gun depression you shouldny play russian tanks.

  • The German Mig-29 radar is worse in both detection range and notch performance. It is also lighter by less than 25kg, not having a noticable performance impact.

  • The ITO/Flarakrad/Tung era was the most balanced top SPAA meta. All had roughly equivalent ranges and capabilities. Gaijin nerfed the Tunguska instead to justify the Pantsir instead of adding the TOR as they said they would.

R-73 is in game, same as the 9L was the best IR-AAM even when it was on the A-10. Its guidance logic will be fixed in the upcoming patch. Even still it is the best in both kinematic performance and IRCCM.

No 9L/H/G and P3 much better

Thanks for informing me! I was referring to thr Tornado

Thank you for the information!!

War Thunder players: create a thread to discuss leaks

Also War Thunder players when someone leaks something: “bruh they are ruining the fun and excitement with these leaks!!”

Like, come on guys, we’ve been through this… no one forces anyone to look at this thread if you don’t want any extra-official information. This thread is meant to gather extra-official information for those of us who just want, well, information.

If you would rather have it dosed only via official channels, just stick to said official channels instead of coming in into this thread meant for extra-official sources of information only to then proceed to complain about “being spoiled”.


Yeah, I come here for leaks. Otherwise it’ll be 100% speculation. What’s the point of that?