Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

More comparable with F-15C.

If they’re actually adding it then that means we could be getting the AIM-120B.

In which universe would MiG-29 be outdated soona s far as the game is concerned?
Will F-22 and SU-57 be added next patch?

No need to act so dramatic, I think I even said something too that effect earlier, but if we don’t see a single sub tree nation vehicle in the leak list, the chances are pretty slim that were getting a sub tree this update.

Ah from what I’ve heard I thought Italy only had the AMRAAM capable variant but I could be wrong

Do they mean the cold war Deutschland or ww2?

Yeah but those are the two only jets Japan can get without a subtree

The MiG-29A 9.12 will be outdated when every other nation has AMRAAMs, theres nothing dramatic about that

F-16 or tornado? Because Italy didn’t have the AMRAAM capable F.3

The Italian Tornado ADV was not compatible with AMRAAMs however the F-16ADF was, in fact any F-16 that can carry the AIM-7 should be able to carry the AIM-120

As you said there really wont be a issue. R-27ET as well as EP and R-77 exist after all.

They are both the same except one is designed for carriers so it has a tailhook and the same engines but uprated by an extra 800 kgf for carrier takeoffs.

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i like your insight so much

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The MiG-29 9.12 can’t use the R-77 that’s why it will become outdated as soon as the AMRAAM is available

Thank you, I worked a lot on Soviet-related topics in the past for a few years like this one for the community.

It’s kind of my thing. Unfortunately Gaijin decided to ditch what was a really good forum design for this ugly and unappealing one so I lost all of my work and this forum design is not good enough for such topics. I can’t move them over here. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it…


Did not realise you meant the ‘A’ exclusively. Even so while it will be at a disadvantage it will not simply be outclassed. Top tier gameplay is not comparable to real lfie.

We were talking about the German MiG-29, those never received Fox3s, it means Germany’s options for Fox3 capable aircraft are limited to the F-4F ICE which is a 3rd Gen airframe with access to the AIM-120B and the EF-2000 which is 4.5 Gen and is likely coming much later, that leave Germany in an awkward spot for early to mid Fox3 capable fighter jets, so yes eventually Germany will be uncompetitive at top tier


So uh, anyone know when the devs r gonna be willing to actually put the Q-5L to 10.3 and give it CMs and flares? Like, it’s such dogshit it’s incredible lmao.
Like, imagine giving ordnance n fixing stuff that’s already in-game lol, even though they got plenty of evidence for it.

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While MiG-29A/G wont be a top tog for ever it will still be decent. Fire and forget will not necessarily be as deceicive as it is irl. Positioning already allows inferior airframes with inferior missiles to dominate the better aircraft. Sometimes it is not even up to you but how the fight developes around you.
If Germany should indeed suffer in an unacceptable fashion that will be sore luck.
Otherwise they might just apply the Japanese solution.
Everything to avoid 2000 EF 2000 prototypes.

Do you suggest an aircraft with less than 260 rounds of cannon without a strong missile going to 10.3??? For what? Too many players use Q-5L’s cannon to shoot down your aircraft?