Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Considering the highest BR aircraft is a GR7 in the tree im inclined to agree.

emmm Soviets had their counterpart to phoenix sadly it wont come anytime soon

Do You ppl understand MIG-29SMT is the same 29 (9-13) with better radar ,A2G weapons and worse acceleration and dogfight capabilities? In ARB it will be worse than 9-13…

sounds like we are getting more commonwealth vehicles this update

“its all from the commonwealth this major” means that the t90 is the only vehicle from commonwealth


That’s what I thought but I did ask smin for clarification if he meant that’s all from the commonwealth this update or if everything for Britain this update is commonwealth vehicles

I’m going to say the cursed words English electric sea lightning I’m sorry smin

That’s what I understood too but I ain’t native/fluent English speaker so now I’m confused

sounds like we are not getting more commonwealth vehicles this update

Where is it stated that it has worse acceleration and dogfight capabilities?

It has same engine thrust ( 8300 kgf per engine), but weights 1300kgs more ( normal mass 14900 for 9-13 and 16200 for 9-19. Fully loaded - even more 18000 vs 20600).

Again, we’re back to BIAS :D It’s way better to learn the information before making any conclusions :)

Which version will be the best for ARB? 29M? 29K?

m is

How are there 2 Mi-8s with different spelling and both of them have 150 lvl crew? The max crew level for helis is the same as for planes - 75.

Lol, War Thunder has got to be the only place in the world that has actually made the Commonwealth into some sort of military laliance or partnership.


Su-27 :D

mig- 29m (9.15 if i remember correctly) will be the best since it can carry up to 8 missiles (4 r-27(R\ER\T\ET) + 4 r-73) and have upgraded engines (8800 kgf of thrust) but normal mass is 1000 kgs higher. Radar is the same as on the YAK-141

can you not bro, its fake

I am once again begging for a fighter for Britain that’s super sonic and in the BR range of 10.7-12.0 that is nimble and can dog fight. I’m bored of the two flavours of brick that is phantom and tornado


yeah language barrier, i understood it as all british additions gonna be from common wealth this patch