Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

i was trying to play tornado ADV when it came out. I want to murder everybody who ever said “just turn slightly aim54s are bad missile”. Shit was pain

And that as japan main is scaring me. Japan got at least a ships in previous updates if not anything (something) else with the ship.

seems the guy is good at creating attention

wouldn’t say his opinion on the update is worth thinking about

met him in a ground RB match once a few years ago and stomped him so hard with some Squadmates he insulted us on stream

met him again a match later and he just made a break on stream and left the Match

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Seriously tho is Japan getting the short end of the stick again…

Since it was sort of confirmed back in june that a new SAM is being worked on at least gives us japan mains some hope of maybe getting something or in worst case to look forward to get in a future update.

Well I think Israel and Italy besides Japan also don’t have anything there if im not mistaken. But wouldn’t surprise me if Japan is left out this patch.

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Israel has nothing at all, only medium tanks

More like only Magach

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No i mean nothing mentioned in the leak list for them

I know, but still it is scary beacouse there was at least one japan vehicle on the “leak lists” previously.

I would be ok not geting any new wehicle If they fixed the type 93 or gave it its Type 91 kai SAM if that would mean japan would get some more vehicles in the october major update.

The MIM-72 is an Israeli vehicle, not a good one but it’s there

ohh you are right! hope it’s going for Israel and not for USA (still, not the one Israel needs, but okay) they need the HVSD/ADAMS

Ah right forgot about that one. And the M109 could technically go to Italy right so i guess that does leave Japan as the only one out.

It’s guaranteed that it didn’t include everything, and likely not even half, if it’s a factual list.
9.19 means 12.3 is coming after all, and there are some missing 12.3s from that list.

I say Japan’s getting an F-15J if we’re getting R-73 Mig this update.

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9.19 isn’t a guarantee of 12.3 it just suggests it’s possible

Or Gaijin just doesn’t care and adds the 9.19 at 12.0.

I’m impressed by your optimistic outlook, but it wouldn’t be suprising if Gaijin just added the 9.19 solo and at 12.0.

its literally just a copied mig with more a2g ordinance

You have a very optimistic outlook to think Gaijin will change their behavior for the first time in years for vehicle additions that introduce new BRs.
Lest not forget that there are ~22 missing items from the alleged leak list to be shown over the next few weeks.

one can drean

You don’t know that for a fact, we don’t know for a fact that it is a MiG-29 these are all just rumours after all