Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Wwll some would define mig29smt as big fish

im hoping for more too

but im hoping for all unlisted additions to be planes

I mean the F-14B was just added and nobody really cared so why not do the same with SMT

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I doubt it, would be to good to be true that the leo 2 pso is the star of the fround update

I mean if the leak is everything added for ground than the Leopard 2 PSO is already the star for the ground content, maybe together with the Leclerc AZUR.

I mean look at how sad the ground additions are.

I disagree, people went bonkers about it, the comments on newspage beat everything else

because its russian

Depends if it will get R73s or even R77 (very doubt that) but otherwise its just mig29 with air to ground weapons

Weird thread to be checking on the forum of you don’t like spoilers and leaks?

Just wait for the blogs

If yes , but like i said sounds to good to be true that russia doesnt gez sth like the t90m blown into their asses as well

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Thermals, that is the important part fo russians

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It’s more about wanting an interesting update over not wanting to be spoiled imo.

That’s not how I remember it. Heaps of people crying about how the US will absolutely stop without competition and demanding R-73 and/or PL-12 for the Chinese.

Ah maybe

Oh jesus, but not aircraft piston engine ?

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they always cry like that even if there’s no new jet added

I myself haven’t really noticed the Bombcat in AirRB at all yet

most my deaths are still to 7F fired from an F-16

Another thing Ive looked at is what Japan is getting this patch…

they get anything on the list?


Yeah, true. It ended up being fine.

Tec blows everything out of proportion.

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