Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Oh sorry I thought you meant that.

I really hope that the Gnat goes to Britain as well as Finland for Sweden. I’m terrified that it’s going to only be for Finland and that it’s going to be another case of the Meteor NF and Vickers Mk.E.

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I hope it will go to booth too

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Ok man this comunity have to stop leaking classified inofmation to the Warthunder Devs

And they need to stop going OFFTOPIC!

yes, il stop it here

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What’s the latest leak 😂

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I wonder what the theme of this update will be?
With the complete lack of ANY air so far, but Smin confirming on latest devblog that they ARE coming - I suspect maybe a big air update? I just hope it pads the top tier out a bit more. Not just in favor of one country but picks up the slack for minor nations too.

Gnat is cool, but how about a new top tier jet?

Meteor nf in the British tree would be a dream come true. Haven’t unlocked it yet for the Israeli’s but a British one would be super nice same goes for the gnat.


With the mention of Fox 3s coming later it makes me feel like they’re going to be the big reveal. That might also be because I want my F-15 and hope it comes with them though lol

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We have pretty much only had majorly air focused updates this year. So maybe that is the theme for this year to expand rank VIII air and next year we will have something similar for rank VIII ground.


Lately it’s been more about the air part of the game, more than likely now it’s the ground forces! I suspect that the Italian subtree is coming in this update!

Given that the leak list is true and dosnt have anything related to an Italian sub tree on it, no, do not expect a Italian sub tree this update

Me and the homies waiting for a naval focused update.
Download - 2023-08-29T173517.797


Just because some of the things on the list are true, doesn’t mean that these are the only vehicles coming, And no information about any nation has been leaked before

Might be waiting a while. I swear its abandonware lmao

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It is like i had to say to a diffrent friend, we will have to wait and see what will be coming

oh my god dude dont you get not all leaklists have every vehicle?

la royale?

I think with how this year has been padding air battles, we’ll continue to see that trend till december.
Then ground battles next year.

Also what kind of cool stuff can Italy get for Top Tier? Are the Arietes the best they’ve got? Export tanks? SAMs?