Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Here’s a take: The BP vehicle; Schützenpanzer, lang, Typ 12-3 should’ve been a German tech tree vehicle instead of the Raketenautomat prototype … Typ 12-3 was actually used by the Bundeswehr … The Raketenautomat should’ve been the German BP vehicle


The Gripen really isn’t as good as you think it is, obvs it decent compared to maybe the F-16ADF but its not gonna break the game

It’s gonna be better at ground attack than F-16s & everything the Soviets have to offer unless SMT is real & has something unique to offer.
Then ALL tech trees are equal to each other in CAS.

the only game bracking part about it if i recall corectly is Arnement and even then most of that it whont get, atleast not yet

THe soviets has Ka-50’s, Su-25, Su-39 and Mig-27, what compareble strike Aircrafts does other Nations have?

For ground attack will probs be on par with the F-16A, i highly doubt gaijin will go crazy and give it op armament.

Why do other nations need comparable CAS to that when they have far superior CAS of F-14B, Tornadoes, Mirage 2000. Even F-16A with Mavs is better than Su-25s. GBUs & Mavs? better than Mig-27K.
I’ve used the Tornadoes as of current, haven’t gotten opportunity to use Mirage 2000 more than once yet.

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the problem with those are, that su 25 airframes are very slow and they lack thermals, but Helis take over the CAS role very strongly

So @ moderator, will we see anything else now that the list of upcoming vehicles has been spoiled or not? :troll emoji:

If you fly low with them it seams to work, i play AA btw at the top tier and i constantly see those doing good, so it is more of knowing your issues and working around them

This is not originally from the Chinese community and I know it isn’t because ryanberry on the MTG discord server made it, he has said as much. You can even tell it’s fake by the fact that there’s ussr_mi8 and ussr_mi_8, and that the T-90S has the file name uk_t_90s in the image even though, on the last dev server when it was on there, its file name was uk_t_90s_bheeshma.

These are not designed to smear the Chinese community in any way, this is just ryanberry’s folder of images and someone has taken the image and shoved it on bilibili, claiming it’s a leak.

I see plenty of booth Su-25’s and Mig -27’s masacaring teams with more or less no to little resistance, I do also see some F-16’s, Tornado’s and Mirages, they seam to not be that often, and for the F-14B i havent seen them do the same nerly as often

has there been another devblog?

Since thee T-90S earlier today? No.

so I guess no second one today

I wonder MiG-29SMT from leak equivalent or better Gripen C Air-to-Air Missile fitted PS-05/A mk.3 radar and Air-to-Air Missile full options ?

MiG-29SMT better F-16A Block 15 ADF, F-16A Block 20 and Shenyang J-8F, but better than Mirage 2000-5F ?

That’s depressing, cause the 11.3 25s aren’t good CAS, and the 27s are dealt with during their dive if they’re using F&F, and if they’re using laser, then RIP I guess but they’re not seeing much from out of SPAA range.

Normaly i tend to see the 10.0 once and the 27’s they seam to see plenty from 8-10k upp, either than or the missiles get screwed by a slight manuver or just simply flying cause the saclos nerf seam to have screwd over most of the top tier NATO SAA’s, For referance, i am using the Ito-90M when fighting them

I am curious if we’ll see further refinement of SACLOS this major.

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I feel the same, the bigest problem with that you see USSR cas so often is cause other nations either stuggle to have Aircrafts in the air or spaa cant hit cause the SACLOS nerf made it very hard if not impossible to hit a target that is not either straight forward or straight at you

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