Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

As I said to someone else the person I responded to is known to have a fragile ego and flag everyone that do not agree with him

Germany need this 2 mbts. USA tree need new abrams. Italy need new mbt and rework old with armor. Israel and Japan need SAM.So that problems I see now


You forgot Soviets.

PSO uses the hull of A6EX
PSO is definitely Dtech armor

What do they need? They seams pretty good as is


It would be disappointing though after having 40 some vehicles for so many updates if it did happen

please god let there be another dev blog today

I am begging for a top tier agile fighter for Britain 😭

Gaijin? Add something cool? Not likely buddy.
You’ll get your A6E and MiG-29 and like it.

They don’t need anything now in my opinion…

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So USSR should be without a 2nd 11.7 while everyone else gets 3 - 5?
Sir, I may dislike T-80BVM, and clearly not the reasons you dislike it, but come on. Even China has 2x 11.7s. Sweden even has 2 equally permanent armored 11.7s to BVM. BVM has slightly more temporary armoring.

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I wish for the same for Sweeden, we have been promised one this year, tho they never said when

they have the overall most balanced line up , in every field, so yes they arent in need of it

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Wait around a year, you will get it.

Soon Sweden will with Gripen, the only missing link from making Sweden the powerhouse of top ground.

you are talking about ifs that didnt happen yet, besides that russia might get the mig29smt this update which would be an equivalent

Maybe t-90m for USSR, but already have a setup with B3,U,UM-2,UK,BVM

and bvm, and support viechals as well

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And USA has M1A1 HC & AIM, M1A2 & SEP.
M1A1 HC & T-80U essentially being the most similar tanks to each other of the bunch.

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@Smin1080p any chance for a 2nd devblog?