Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Not sure why you’re making an argument & then arguing against your own made up argument.
I guess some people just want to argue…

If you want to intentionally interpret it as such.

I’m not, I am criticizing you. You come in here making a tier list based off of nothing. You say the Bradley is the best IFV and you have 9 games played in it.

You’re ignorant. But that doesn’t stop you from acting like an expert at a BR you don’t even play.

I thought Deathmisser was bad, but at least that guy doesn’t talk out his ass.

You continually offer uninformed opinions about balance across this entire forum. I see you in the Leclerc topics offering your opinions on that too with your whopping 100 games played in it.

You offer your opinion on things you have no experience with just to argue and be a contrarian


You are joking right?


He has 55 games in the warrior in GRB. Ignorance is bliss I guess

Thanks for admitting I play the tank.
You’re only here to antagonize & post lies about everyone that criticizes your precious Soviet tanks.

You imply all experts in this game are ignorant and only you are the sole person to speak authoritatively.

You imply ALL Leclerc players are contrarian with no experience because they want Leclerc improved, while admitting they have 7 - 20 hours of experience in the vehicles.

You imply everyone that plays the BRs they play don’t play those BRs… a poor attempt at a gaslight I guess?

Dude, calm down. Just cause your Soviet tanks aren’t the best doesn’t mean everyone that critiques them are your enemy.

I wonder what Gaijin will do with the F8F-2.

Will it have the same napalm-like thermal performance as the F8F-1s, or will it have thermal performance that actually matches the real life plane?

na they’ll butcher that part as usual

You are delusional bro.You are the one who is actually defending soviet vehicles by saying western vehicles are better than soviet ones in game.

Pretty certain now that all the Indian Arjun variants will end up in British tree, then


We could’ve gotten an Arjun as a squadron vehicle. That would have been nice. Preferable over a T-90.

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That’s not how defending works.
And the only vehicle I said was better apples to apples was TOR-M1 over Pantsir, which is factual.
Dude, I don’t get why you love Soviets so much that you’ll call everyone that criticizes them names like this isn’t adulthood.

Tornado IDS vs Su-25 is AK vs Glock.

which is the Glock?

Bruh I’m a US main.From the bottom of my heart i hate OP soviet vehicles.

I think at least one arjun prototype should go in the USSR or maybe german tree

You should’ve played when M1 players were agro all the time.
I played when Type 90 was Japan’s only tank, maybe B was out as well.
Abrams players were more aggressive than Soviet players are today.
Maybe they’re the same players.
It’s not necessarily the tank, but the tanker. [Please emphasize “necessarily” when reading it.]

So when yall think the trailer will come ?

next week i guess


I still bet this week

and I bet now 4 SL on Gnat as next Devblog!
