Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Just stating facts

IIRC the Indians sent some T90s to be given a check over at the factory before a certain war began, those tanks have yet to be returned to India. If they are being used in some way by the Russians, its technically theft and breaking the contract.


That is believable.

Tbh dosent seam to far off

And it won’t help the tree either, assuming it will be at the same BR as the T-90A in the USSR tree, it will be the only tank at 10.7, in fact, the only vehicle there except for the SHar…

Apparently this would be the ammunition the T-90S fires, courtesy of SuTa-basuto

UK receiving T-90S…
Yes that’s how it is…
I hope Germany gets the Super Etendard.

Or does only the colonialist approach prevail to add vehicles?

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Just want to add :

Russia sent both an upgraded T-80U and T-72S to India for trials during early 90s.
The T-80U was equipped with Agava-2 thermal sight:

Indian Army tested both but weren’t satisfied with either of them (becoz of T-80’s poor GTD performance and T-72S’ poor FCS) and when Russia asked for feedback, India requested an MBT that had positive features from both the platforms.
This resulted in finalizing the early T-90(S) design with cast round turret, 1A45T Irtysh FCS & V-84MS 840hp engine & being offered to India.

Its when India got the license to locally manufacture the improved variant with welded turret and V-92S2 1000hp engine, it got the official name T-90S Bhishma:


Bhishma is also undergoing indigenous improvements:

New Digital Ballistic Computer + Automatic Target Tracking (ATT), Auxiliary Power Unit (APU), Commander’s Panoramic Sight & Driver’s Night Sight

Bhishma with MCS:



How? BMP-2M is far better than Bradley


If you only have 1-2 top tier vehicles then they’ll leave after 1-2 deaths, Russia has a plethora of top tier vehicles so no surprise there.

Esercito Italiano IRL is getting Leopard 2A8s anyway …
So just wait a while will ya?

My reasoning is due to the gun & missiles.
No, the missiles can’t be fired on the move, but for me that’s a good thing.
Forces me to play the light tank properly rather than recklessly.
Over-cover ATGM launches, with gen 2 commander & gunner thermals.
Dart in the autocannon. I prefer it over all BMPs.

I even prefer Warrior over normal BMP-2.

this is not confirmed it depends all if gajin will allow the frontal hull armor upgrade to be equipped

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I mean most nations at least have 3 tanks that still work well at top tier, and even when I play Germany I still use the leopard 2A4 and 2K if I need too, because they still get the job done, especially against Russia and China cus all their weak spots are the same and can be penned with the most basic apfsds. Also dos t help that like half of these players never spawn in an SPAA. I’ve farmed so much Russian CAS with my FlarakRad even tho it’s probably one of the worst SpAA at top tier.

Also if we’re talking about nations like the UK or America you have multiple MBT’s too spawn absolutely.

Why do you come here to lie?
You have 9 games in the Bradley in ground RB.


Having to revert to tanks more than a full BR below top tier isn’t the same as having top tier tanks.

Why do you come here to antagonize everyone that criticizes Soviet equipment?
All I stated were my preferences. I didn’t dictate my battle record. Preferences are not battle records.
I’m capable of playing vehicles I dislike. I heavily dislike T-34-85, I still played the Chinese ones to spade them for bonus RP & a temporary 5.7 lineup.
That doesn’t mean I prefer them, cause I don’t. I prefer Shermans over T-34-85s and Panthers.

The game limiting vehicle abiities to a crippling standard is a good thing

Yeah no surprise coming from you, the Bradley should not fold up it’s launcher in combat scenarios, it’s absurd, no crew is going to fold up their launcher or refuse to shoot on the move if the situation asks for it.

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