Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, the kind man that plays all tech trees & dislikes toxicity.
Not sure why you think it’s “wasting time” to talk to calming people.

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Yep, or B1 Centauro for russia or T-90M for Us.

I see, we are going towards Armord Warfare TT are we aye

They’re intentionally misunderstanding what’s being said I think.
Cause the alternative is they just do not understand what they are reading.


Well if all trees will have same vehicles, just make one maaaaaaaasssive tree then

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Witch if the pepole that wants unkrainian tanks in Russian tech tree are basicaly sugesting

I dont want Ukrainian tanks in Russian tree, thats why Im agains T-90S in British tree in the first place

dont worry, i am too, just as mutch as i am against the sweedish T-80U and 90% of the objects in the russian TT

I am scared about the fact that israel wont get anything of all the types of vehicles that it needs…

Was actually just playing some 11.7 Germany yesterday and it’s still really fun tbh. While yeah Russia does have one of the best all around top tier lineups, I think a big issue is that Russia also still has some of the best players as well. I’ve whatched so many western teams simply leave after one or two deaths and its also strange being one for the few SPAA players on the team


wdym against the objects

T-90S India is a unique T-90 no other country used.
It’s not a Russian Army tank, it’s not a Soviet Army tank.
To compare it to imported tanks like M1 Abrams used by America and another country is a false equivalence fallacy.

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As a matter of fact russian has used T-90S meant for India in Ukraine


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Tbh, it is nothing persional, it is just that russia has the most tanks and variants for them eaven outside prototypes so most others may lack lineups and diversity then you have russia, the only part i realy have against them is that there are too many prototypes from russia

Weird since Russia doesn’t produce this variant currently, likely cause T-90M is more important than an India-spec’d T-90A.
The ones the manufacturer did produce were all shipped to India over a decade ago, between 2001 and 2010. The rest were produced domestically in India.

dude is seriously complaining about russia experimenting more rather than doing it all on paper

literally end of the line vehicles are just gonna be objects you know

and r-77 :)

I am not complaing as mutch as stating why i may dissagree, and tbh i would not have a issue if it hadnt been cause most are lacking and yet pepole is complaining that the most exstecive tree needs more