Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

So you’re the Soviet main in this conversation since everyone knows I’m not…
100% of the T-80BVM matches I played this year were this last month to see if my ammo would explode when it was, and it did 100% of the time.
Other than that I haven’t touched Soviet air much at all this year.
I unlocked rank 8 for China, Israel, and soon [within 1 or 2 days] Sweden. All prep for more stuff.

Spawn, instantly turn. Prep for altitude, wing sweep, get close to the map border if it’s a small map.
Turn in, drop bomb, turn out, aim finely once turned at a safe vector.
It’s slow, but the only way you die is via F-16 or Mig-29.

It wouldnt be a dogfighter, nobody would play it like a dogfighter, its average in bvr and goes hella fast, there is nothing wrong with wanting a niche aircraft in game.
Look at the f104s and tornado-F3, they have a gameplay loop similar to what the mig-25 would have but they are way slower.
people who say the mig-25 cant come to the game just because it cant dogfight or because it would dominate every bvr engagement need to go read about it a bit.
i would like to see it bc its one of my favorite planes, not because its gonna be meta

Yeah mate tell me about it, France’s only option is a plane that has it’s entire anemic ( 4 missiles ) loadout gimped/bugged

I mean the UK really isnt running out.

EE-T1 Osório (uses Vickers Turret)

Vickers Mk 3M
Vickers Mk 4
Vickers Mk 11
IIRC a diff version of the Mk7 exists
The god knows how many variations of the Warrior and Stormer platform
Ajax platforms
Modernised CVRT variants (like the 1 with Kastet and the other Jordanian version with new gun/missiles)
The god knows how many variations on Chieftain and Challenger 1
CVRW vehicles
Yet alone the other South African vehicles not added.

The UK has a very large list of potential vehicles.

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Indeed I am.
I forgot to mention British artillery vehicles, the Abbot and the AS-90.
The hull for the Abbot exists on the Falcon, and the CVR(T) hull exists on the Striker. It really can’t be too difficult to add more.

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F-14(A,B) and Mig-25:

Oh, so now we got Bhishma. Sould i replace one of my Challys with it, or keep all 5 of them?

i agree, i wish france had its planes with their proper loadouts, its sad to see a 2000-5F as a ground atacker when it never carried ground attack ordenance, and its the variant that EVENTUALLY will get micas…

Maybe replace your least favorite chally and just use the T-90S as a rush tank, although keep in mind, the T-90S isn’t gonna be filled with as much Russian bias as some people are gonna be hoping.

and thats fine by me, its still one of my favorite planes and it can safely come into the game
the tornados eat phoenixes too and again, same gameplay loop

No, man i’d love to see it in game. Same as i’d love to see Avro Vulcan.


The thing is, i have no least favorite Chally, i played them so much i got used to them. If its ammo will detonate with every hit i’m going on a break.

tbh it would be interesting seeing bombers being expanded into the jet age, id love to see the vulcan too. Even the Avro Arrow would be a cool addition, (but i dont recall if it ever got out of the paper)

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I will say this, I think people often underestimate in game how quickly the pendulum of top tier can swing in favor of another nation once it recives new content.

It will be interesting to see what happens to German teams once they receive the new Leopard 2A5PSO, but I suspect that many of the skilled players will hop on Germany, and there will be a sudden spike in the German win rate.

Vulcan is a problematic one due to ballance. It can destroy the whole map, but at the same time it will be in br that either nothing can kill, or everything does so.

the truth is gaijin has nothing to lose by adding the russian interceptors, they are some of the most iconic russian aircraft EVER, that are not flyable in a lot of other games, and im not the only player that would like to see them. it would still make gaijin a good ammount of money due to people buying premium stuff to grind russia

Bunch of ground pounders…hope not but they like adding vehicles that can technically be used in air and ground battles so I am fearing the worst.

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At least it will change from USSR

Dont worry, this will not change for a while.

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Would love strategic bombers with like 30-40.000ft spawn altitude alongsidr some cool interceptors.