Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Possibly yeah, but do remember that. Any sudden dip in USSR winrates might be used as an excuse to later give the USSR a tank like the T-90M.

Honestly, they could add so much to the british tech tree.

Ferret armored cars with Rarden or swingfire
CVR(T) variants like Spartan MCT, Stormer 90, Stormer 30, etc
Land rovers!! Played a huge part in shoot and scoot using the Wombat recoilless rifle or MILAN
Ajax variants
Warrior IFV varients
Reece FMP
Tracer SIKA
Tracked rapier
Chieftain SID
Challenger Falcon
Challenger 3 prototypes
Blowpipe and Javelin SPAA
Sky Ceptor
Stormer AD

There’s absolutely tons of 100% UK tanks, TDs, SPGs, SPAAs that can be added.


Mig-31 with AESA radar?

Sadly too early for the game.

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It is, yeah. It would need air RB changed a fair bit, considering its payload is 21 x 1000lb bombs lmao

TES and 2F are the same tank, just TES is heavier but looks far cooler if that helps lmao

Same, I would like to see another Bucc variant and even the Nimrod MRA.4 ingame

I wonder if we will the likes of the Atlas Cheetah or HAL Tejas in the British tree soon then 👀

Buccaneer S2B would be sweet. Martlet TV missiles

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You would be suprised, recently TES started tanking shots, for example i tanked Puma and Bmp2M from the side. Or i was just meeting not the smartest people out there,

Yes, as well as having AIM-9G’s, L’s and body mounted Countermeasures

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Another tank blog huh… I mean, I’m not against it but where muh 8.7-10.7 filler jets?


this is how the tank is designed irl , plus want me to tell you how many times i shot a t80 from the side thro ammo and it didnt explode

Hate to be that guy but…

@Smin1080p Second dev blog today?


What the UK needs though is light tanks, SPAA, ATGM Tank destroyers and fighter jets at top tier.
Something that can dogfight.

This’ll be:
Atlas Cheetah
Sea Harrier FA.2
Eurofighter DA.2
Eurofighter production varients
Or something else not from britain

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TES has the composite side skirt that helps, but ultimately the ERA protection is genuinely 100% the same. Check it out in the xray view

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Todays dev blog

Oh yeah, since PSO will have the new highest armor in WT, people may flock to that.
But since they didn’t flock to Strv 122s… idk.

Mig-31 never used AESA.
They use PESA, which we already have in-game on SPAA.
And it’s not much different than normal PD.

I am aware of people having issues that I never face.

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Why do you Soviet fanboys try to derail topics?

Your gnat shall come soon inshallah

i dont think you know that thats not how a russian main sounds