Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

whyd you want either? the game isnt ready for them…

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They are basically a hybrid between the F-106 and F-14, the game is definitely more than ready for either to turn up.

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I’ve practiced against the best Pantsir players.
TOR-M1 is the only SPAA over 30Gs out to 12km.
Su-25 gets killed via proximity rounds which is what I use at 10.0.
T-80BVM cooks off identically to Leopard 2, Leclercs, & Arietes. Source: The game files. Dataminers proved this. Not only that but my 100% cook off rate for T-80BVMs remains unchanged from its release to present.


do you even play the same game ? ka 52 is no way equal to hellfire carrier

this is why no ussr main opinion should be considered


no…? the missiles they carry can go beyond what the maps current size is, maybe it would be good on english channel but for some reason they havent brought that map back

One didnt need to have the T2 upon its introduction to be able to say its the best plane in the game.

I work a full time job so it’s a little slow, but in my spare time i’ve been responsible for writing some of the most comprehensive investigations into CR2 and bug reporting to Gaijin using Vickers manuals, Rafael documentation, Penetration analysis, real world photos, etc etc
CR2 should definitely meet it’s match, no doubt, when facing Abrams or Leopard. But right now? The tank is a mish-mash of heresay, guesses and assumptions by Gaijin that can be definitively proven false.

Like for instance: Challenger 2 TES has MASSIVE ERA bricks all over it. The difference in CR2TES and CR22F?
5.8t in weight. The ERA despite obviously being newer, bigger bricks offer the exact same protection in game. TES is just bigger.

Or ammunition being stored in the drivers compartment and behind his seat when photos inside CR2 show that’s physically impossible.

The CR2 in game, is an easy kill, but only owing to the fact Gaijin modelled it poorly.

When you start to play USSR, your hand gets held by Stalin himself, so you get better skill.

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And the AIM-54 couldn’t?

the game is more than ready for the mig 25? and had been since the mig-23 was added, what do you mean?

A CVR(T) would have been nice… Scorption, Sabre, or Scimitar, armoured cars like the Fox and Saladin or an IFV. Not another MBT. This one isn’t even British at all.
I’m still going to get it despite how disappointing it is.

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Can you tell me the name of the game you play? Maybe the performance of the Pantsir is also due that it’s getting spam… I honestly see a Tor every 10 game and on the countrary, I see at least 3 Pantsir per game

early foxhounds didnt carry fox3s if i recall correctly and foxbats didnt even GET fox 3s, the r-40 is good but its just a fatter r-27 with a bigger warhead. the game is more than ready for the foxbat family

It’s annoying to see how nations which already have multiple squadron vehicles continue to get more while we still have nations which don’t have such vehicles at all.

because said nations are running out of vehicles to add

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Find it funny how people are getting wigged out about the MiG25 like it would be this amazing dogfighting, long range interceptor but is actually dogshit irl and can only go fast in a straight line.

History really repeats itself lol

A man of culture.

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France having at least 5 needed vehicles needed and 10 that could be added laughing

Edit: don’t know about other minor TT

That’s not true at all. For example, Italy has many vehicles with similar weapon systems on different chassis, adding all of them to the regular tree is unnecessary, some can be event/premium, some regular, some squadron.

Britian especially has an absolute ton to add more. They just only think Challenger 2 is the only thing the british army used lmao