Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Pretty sure we haven’t actually seen a credible leak of the Tech Tree yet, so BR is effectively unknown unless I missed something, and even then is still subject to change until it hits the live server.

Well they did it with the F-14A Early and F-14B and that didn’t come with an increase to 12.3 (probably because the F-14A is at 11.7 not 12.0 as with the F-16), where stores are limited for balance / progression purposes (even though they are similarly equipt in all regards except access to the AIM-54C) and considering the -14B still has a number of outstanding issues expect things to be barely working if at all.

Also I don’t exactly think R-73 + HMD + R-27ER + IRST & 2nd Best in class flight performance is really fair considering that without moving into equipment / fitouts that didn’t see service (AIM-95, AIM-7R, AN/AVG-8B, etc.) So at least until more nations catch up or the R-27ER gets deleted I would hope that that doesn’t occur.

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bro? it cant shoot hulldown… it uses the optics it actually has, not shooting from the missile launcher

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Yes and in the comments the dataminer says that it is very likely only about the release date rewards like i said

S’what i’m saying.
How unfair would it be for Tornado F.3, which handles worse than F104, has pretty short range and easy to trash radar missiles, no HMD and not very fast, to have to fight MiG-29SMT with R27ER, R73, HMDs, supersonic dogfighter?
You lose regardless of what you try unless you sneak up and kill them while someone distracts but…a phantom can do that.

F-14B isn’t 12.3 material. It’s not fast enough nor has a good enough radar for 12.3.
Also stores are not limited on any tech tree aircraft.
R-27ER is good at killing players that sway from doctrine, and that’s about it.
Radar missiles are always avoidable, IR missiles need flared.
It’s been an IR missile meta for 8 months and I don’t see that changing.

Okay, but take Tornado - which takes almost a full minute to turn headon to go sideways and notch: its a guaranteed kill for MiG

Hoping there’s more to the leak list than what we see. If the best air addition the UK gets is Gnat, which is a 1955 plane - its going to be a gimmick plane

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If you’re close sure, but I haven’t die to a radar missile in my Tornado F3. Plenty of IR missiles, cause hot engines.
And what’s likely is AMRAAMs alongside 12.3, which includes Tornado F3, especially since it’s retaining rank 8.

And no duh there will be more than the alleged leak. The average is 43 vehicles per update.

At very least when it comes to ships you are lying since.
Best DD - USA
Best cruisers - USA
Best BB/BC - Germany

The Kronstadt is good but the Scharnhorst is best and when it comes to other ships the USSR is average.


In fairness, I don’t play ships because it’s a boring as fuck gamemode lmao
I do however know USSR just gets a made-up ship with a wonky DM

@Smin1080p can we finally expect British made light tanks this update? Or a nimble fighter for high tier air activities cos atm we have two flavours of brick and a subsonic

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Yes USSR gets unfinished ships (2 of them) same as Germany and Italy.
The only “paper” ship people care about is Kronstadt which however doesn’t have wonky DM. The only issue with Kronstadt are the guns which are very powerful and weren’t tested IRL. But in their case they are worse option since other option is to use Bismarck’s 380 which would be beyond OP.

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I completely disagree with your statement of IR missile meta.
The meta shifted when AIM-9L got its flare resistance corrected.
My reasoning for this is simple, if you launch a radar missile in scenarios where the target isn’t hugging the ground its almost always a guaranteed kill if you don’t launch it from too far like a clown.

Genuinely all you need to do to decoy an IR missile is pop a single flare and its game over, you cannot just do that to a radar missile. You have to actually use your brain to defeat that, and guess what many toptier players don’t have?

If both parties (in a 1v1 for example) play it perfect, everyones missiles will be dodged and you’ll end up having to go for guns. So if it really is an IR meta, why isn’t that the obvious and dominant choice?


The AN/AWG-9 is not modeled properly (even to the degree that the systems / mechanics are implemented to in WT) and the AN/AXX-1 TCS should make it into an unblinking Eye or Sauron that straight up can’t be Notched.

I can straight up provide sources right now that AIM-9L’s were fitted to the F-14A in 1977, and the limits placed upon the F-14A Early aligns it with the F-14A’s 1978 SAC not the Earlier 1974 SAC.
So yes in that sense it is limited, also there is evidence that some F-14A’s were refitted with the LITENING TGP and so could have access to LGB’s.

TTK delta ensures that there is no way to utilize Sparrows to come out on top in an engagement if both are flow optimally, and the NEZ or the R-27ER is much larger. and having to deal with that palaces constrains on how you have to approach the encounter which is further magnified once you step out of 1v1’s let alone into a live battle.

I would agree, and its probably contributed mostly to by outside factors like map design and player counts making maintaining situational awareness much more difficult. Which is why in EC things are a little different.

Yeah AIM9L stink now I just pop 1 single flare and it flies straight into the abyss and blows up 😂 I generally try to avoid using them unless I know the target is unaware and occupied fighting someone else.

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Weapons not being available for use is not the same as stores being limited from equipping any weapons.


I will say this, ACM is the only way to effectively play radar missiles. It gives people little warning cause the moment you’re locked you’re spooling the missile.


It seems you have to learn more IR launch technique.

No I do not I know how to use IR missiles. I also know how to decoy them and 9L all you have to do is cut burner and deploy one flare. It’s how I decoy them in my F.3 tornado, A-5C etc they are so easy to decoy. One flare is all it takes and your safe. Flares are way to strong atm .

I hope we get rid of paper ships in WT one day.

That’s a Tautology. What is the point you are trying to make? All you are doing is saying the same thing twice.

The AIM-9L & -9M, LAU-138/A and AN/AAQ-28(V) would all be valid additions to the F-14A Late (even though what we have modeled in game is a Block 130).

so what do you now think will be todays Devblog?

any suggestions (Apart from the Gnat where I still put 2SL on)