Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Devblog a few more hours?

probably 1-5h til devblog

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Maybe they will only start with air devblogs after the teaser so im betting on a naval devblog for today.

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Tiny hope for K9 VIDAR here.

then the teaser gotta tho

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I’m happy with anything actually interesting, doesn’t matter if it’s a boat, plane or tank.

Just anything interesting, so that excludes most of the vehicles on that leak list lmao.

Bruh, I can said UHT is not the best Heli in the game. From 8 Pars might only 2 of them hit target (and if you lucky enough you got a kill from it)


Ka-50 and 52 - indestructable unless hit multiple times by SAMs, pilotable even when on fire and cut in half
Mi-28 - its just a bigger Ka-50.


Let me correct that with a bit more sincerity…

Ka-52 is best heli.
Strv 122 is best MBT in overall performance.
Best IFV goes to Bradley.
Mig-29 and F16 are approximately equal.
Pantsir-S1 and TOR-M1 best SPAA.
Best ships all tech tree.
Best heavy tank, Obj 279, IS-7, IS-4M.
Python 3 best missile but R-73 is probably going to get buffed.
Best CAS plane, Su-25 series
Most performing nation in ground battle: USSR.
In air battle: IDK

So yes, Soviets have some of the best.

Edit: concerning best CAS and heli, my point is that those heli/planes are the only in the game to withstand 2 or 3 missile…


Whether you want to make the arguement of if Russia is handheld or not (absolutely is) is regardless.
They always get something, 9/10 its something powerful, top tier or useful.

Meanwhile you’ve got Israel on their 900th Magach, Britian being an actual detriment to your team because they lack basic stuff others have at top tier, no light tanks, you’ve got Japan with no SAMs beyond a shitty toyota, you never see people saying “oh, I hope Russia gets something this update” it’s guaranteed. You always see them get a great new addition to their already jam packed lineup while others suffer and get powercreeped. It blows.


Su-25 has an absolutely broken damage model, but also S-25s which one shot anything

Even with stinger you still need to hit it with 2 or 3 stinger, very rare to kill Su25 with a single stinger.

Same for Mistral

Yeah something like a tracked rapier would be awesome and of course for light tanks scorpion and saladin.

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Not sure how Bradley outdoes BMP2M or 2S38, might be missing something here.

T-80BVM has inpenetrable armor on the UFP, cheek ERA, etc and something super dodgy with the ammo detonation.

MiG-29 has insanely good missiles which while f-16 and MiG-29 dogfight well enough the same - the BVR goes to -29 everyday.
R-73 can also do full 360⁰ turns now for some reason
Soviet winrates are at 70-80%
They’re super handheld.


Britians SPAA is both: not british, not an SPAA, and doesn’t have the range to do its job anymore. ADATS M113 blows.

Tracked rapier would be cool, for sure!
Stormer getting its proper tracking and LMM missiles would be neat.
There’s a ton of choice for british SPAA.

I got a question, I post a suggestion for J-11 fighters, but the suggestion is not passing after a day. Where I could know the progess?

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Honestly I was trying to only show the most obvious things to not hurt his fragile ego, because whenever you don’t fully agree with him you get flag

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no where

it can take weeks, months or years unti it gets passed if it even will at all

The truth hurts. Russia powercreeps big time.

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