Sons of Attila - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It’s got R-73s and a HMD i’d be scared

Whether that leaked image is real or not, we still have a very credible leak which has already gotten 5 devblog vehicles out of 6. Only missing vehicle is the Pvkv and that may have been missing to hide the leakers identity or it was unknown to them at the time.

leakers never show all vehicles unless its olivia or another trusted leaker

what a glongus response. you have an intuition to be a dloob. silly silly

olivia is a Moderator now.She doesnt leak vehicles anymore.Now gazabi(I may have misspelled his name) is the only trustable dataminer.

Hope this leak turns out to be fake but i’m not hopeful.
USSR gets 5 new vehicles, including a new top tier fighter jet which it absolutely doesn’t need.

France gets some love which is cool.

USA gets a heatseeker SPAA which is also cool.

UK gets a copy paste and a plane destined to be unplayable

China gets 1 (one) thing

And Sweden gets nothing major.


Just perpetuates the USSR power creep by making every update about them.


It will need that, cause it’d be going against F-15s, Gripen, etc.
Over 40 vehicles on average isn’t “disappointing”.


So why wouldn’t it be added with F-15s, Gripens, etc? Why make top tier unplayable for people who didnt pick the handholding nation?


That’s what I said. F-15s come with it.
No one’s suggesting to make “top tier unplayable”.
No tech tree is being handheld, stop with the nonsense.

Who’s to say it won’t be, pvkv wasn’t apart of the list and it came, you can also think of the September update as a two part major update, because we’ll get one immediately after in October, perhaps we’ll get it then.

F-15C will come with the next Mig-29 whether you like it or not.


BR 12.3 is the proof.
Unless you really want another R-60M Mig-29.

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Tiger UHT is best heli.
Strv 122 is best MBT, with 2A5 PSO seemingly going to be the next best MBT.
Best IFV goes to Bradley IMO, but IFVs are niche over dedicated light tanks.
Germany has the best Mig-29, and F-16 is still its twin.
TOR-M1 is best SPAA, China. Pantsir & others can’t hit targets currently. I hope SACLOS tracking improves further this update for all SPAA.
Best heavy tank is T26E5.
Python 3 is the best AAM currently. Tho that may change with next major.
So no, Soviets don’t have the best.


I don’t play USA.
I play China and Britian, both of which get dogshit additions. No IFVs or unique vehicles for China for a while now. Just T series soviet tanks or variants. Where’s the ATGM TDs? Wheeled vehicles? IFVs?

Same for Britian lacking any and all viable IFVs, SPAA, and especially a decent top tier jet.


Have you played it since the ATGM physics update?

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Anyway, back to the topic.
Air dovbleg today? Ples lmao

12.3 air shown in teaser & dev stream. ;)

What i’m saying is, it sure gets old seeing a brand new shiny USSR top tier vehicle like MiG-29SMT likely to come, talks of R73, etc and Britian still has just Tornado F.3 which is inferior in every aspect. No redeeming factor at all about it beyond a radar which the missiles dont work well with at all.

No light tanks for UK
No SPAA for UK

Just sucks, man.
I hope that it’s not going to be as disappointing as the leak list. Hopefully more to be seen.

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“Broken due to its ability to shoot hull down” you mean like the USSR Khrizantema?